edmond (edo) ernest dit (@edo_dit)


Want to know more about the history and social context of gay manga in Japan? Look over there https://t.co/yE8cbCnwFy
So Digimon is back with an applewatch to beat Pokémon Go? And it uses crossmedia toys? There is one thing left to do: read my paper on how crossmedia works https://t.co/SDeMNssPjj
Go get her Jade ! (I mean Aeri). On the other hand scholars need to make these debates more accessible for fandoms. If anyone is interested I wrote a piece about how BL and gay manga actually converge at times....but maybe I'm also homophobic? https://t.co/7kBzTb9xxQ https://t.co/zuZQAPMhJc
https://t.co/alk5Elg1i3 His descriptions of the dialectics between fan creation and exploitation in Japanese Entertainment reminds me of the work of a certain Ôtsuka Eiji…a must read for dôjin fans and researchers.
The third article by Edgar retraces a local fan history that is starting to get more and more attention: Mexican fandoms. https://t.co/oA97twzggv
https://t.co/7kBzTb9xxQ I propose to look not just at the common representation of homoerotic content but at the similar techniques involved in the creation of queer stories, characters, and representations: Sexy Stillness, inner monologues and “slow” motion.
https://t.co/lHlFHdbxWl His exploration of Tagawa Suihô will make a perfect reading for Norakuro fans and manga adepts as well as an intricate reading to discuss the depiction of war in your Japanese Studies class.
Please have a look at our intro for more details on this intersection between theory and practice. https://t.co/Htz6DajUoU
I am happy to say that my piece on Snack-World published in REPLAYING JAPAN is now accessible online for free. https://t.co/SDeMNssPjj


『メディア・コンテンツ・スタディーズ』 (岡本健・田島悠来(編)、ナカニシヤ出版) 早くも41館の 大学附属図書館に 配架されております!! 皆さま、有難うございます(^^) CiNii 図書 - メディア・コンテンツ・スタディーズ : 分析・考察・創造のための方法論 https://t.co/OG9NG1TZ1o #CiNii https://t.co/2Z8bp9hADE

