Dr. Xanat Meza (@kt_designbox)


Este modelo lo había empleado antes en otro estudio (https://t.co/gkRsI1kjRp), y lo sigo encontrando útil para entender multimedios en internet.
These type of high-tech magical solutions only divest attention from the real problems: poverty, social inequality, arms traffic from the US, the border, the border, the border: https://t.co/96FgeCQm2Z
Introducing my daughter to the world. I live in constant pain of pregnancy and birth with her, but she is worth it and continues to grow and change #phdthesis #sustainabledesign https://t.co/RkBa7Qj5SR


21 0 0 0 OA 貴女裁縫之図

Have you sewed something recently? Hari Kuyo is a ceremony peculiar to Japan where people give thanks to their old or broken sewing needles. #HariKuyo https://t.co/CN8nMcrJoP https://t.co/hFQGnzANTB
知らぬ間にクィア人口学における超重要新刊の書評が社人研の『人口問題研究』から出ていた模様! It looks like a book review of @kevin_guyan's _Queer Data: Using Gender, Sex and Sexuality Data for Action_ has been published in the Journal of Population Problems! https://t.co/dBdrwkaFMC https://t.co/5BXEquXjVY

