Microbes and Environment (@microb_environ)


J-STAGE Articles - Domain-level Identification of Single Prokaryotic Cells by Optical Photothermal Infrared Spectroscopy https://t.co/eiM2KKF7KL
J-STAGE Articles - Effects of Co-existing Heterotrophs on Physiology of and Nitrogen Metabolism in Autotrophic Nitrite-oxidizing <i>Candidatus</i> Nitrotoga https://t.co/kDLzdvljwc
J-STAGE Articles - Species-specific Microorganisms in Acid-tolerant <i>Chironomus</i> Larvae Reared in a Neutral pH Range under Laboratory Conditions: Single Dataset Analysis https://t.co/5pqpjnWV8p
J-STAGE Articles - Cultivation of Piezotolerant and Piezophilic Hyperthermophiles with a Newly Developed Constant High Pressure and Temperature Culturing and Monitoring System https://t.co/z55eAmq4aX
圧力を維持した状態で試料採取が可能な高温・高圧培養システムが開発されました! 圧力下で脱圧無しに培養を継続することができ、細胞数や化学成分の変化を観察可能です。 好圧/好熱微生物の生態解析のさらなる進展が期待されます。 https://t.co/z55eAmq4aX
The paper introduced newly developed high-pressure microbial cultivation device! They can culture and monitor microbes under high temp. and pressure without the effects of depressurization, which seriously affects physiology of piezo/thermophiles. https://t.co/z55eAmq4aX
J-STAGE Articles - High Prevalence of Pantoea spp. in Microbiota Associated with the Sorghum Plant Bug Stenotus rubrovittatus (Heteroptera: Miridae) https://t.co/e2QUVqV4ef
J-STAGE Articles - Novel Insights into Microbial Behavior Gleaned Using Microfluidics https://t.co/DAW4x6wTsk


