Odyssey to the Far East (@motherlander)


Ancient genomes from the initial Jomon period: new insights into the genetic history of the Japanese archipelago https://t.co/qnUlxGAPGe https://t.co/aHJN0a423k
Modern human DNA analyses with special reference to the inner dual-structure model of Yaponesian https://t.co/w2yvGBYV7Q https://t.co/OtCAEgEWcZ
Exploring models of human migration to the Japanese archipelago using genome-wide genetic data https://t.co/ivaYyFG6YU https://t.co/BDpbMNJjRn
Paleogenomics of human remains in East Asia and Yaponesia focusing on current advances and future directions https://t.co/bUAbYpLigf https://t.co/eYg8Eb5uPM
An integrated study of the human skeletal remains discovered in Escalon Cave, northeastern Mindanao, the Philippines https://t.co/oe18X3CSaP his mtDNA belongs to the haplogroup E1a1a1a (not necessarily the marker of Austronesian-speaking farmers as the study suggests) https://t.co/sVY8ZqgupV
Bulan Agustus 1987, fosil tengkorak Ngawi 1 ditemukan oleh seorang pelajar di bantaran Bengawan Solo dekat Desa Selopuro, Ngawi, Jawa Timur Ngawi 1 berada satu grup dgn manusia Ngandong & Sambungmacan, secara morfologi sudah menjauh dari Sangiran https://t.co/2l1rbCynXD https://t.co/7hTuzGnxSZ
RT @robertosaezm: Beautiful fossil! Homo erectus calvaria from Ngawi (Java) and its evolutionary implications https://t.co/Pep3bfQw62 https…
Human genetic diversity in the Japanese Archipelago: dual structure and beyond https://t.co/H0upjjrana https://t.co/Od1Ysf5T09
Homo erectus calvaria from Ngawi (Java) and its evolutionary implications https://t.co/2l1rbCPZmd
RT @DrHanneke: New study on Homo floresiensis' teeth show a mosaic of primitive, derived, and unique characters https://t.co/NV3uRZ6qAX
Towards digital reconstruction of fossil crania and brain morphology https://t.co/wsVGZlBOoh


Homo erectus calvaria [959 cc] from Ngawi (Java) and its evolutionary implications [continuous evolution of H. erectus through the Pleistocene of Java: Ngandong, Sambungmacan, Ngawi] https://t.co/NvGpUCCOLP https://t.co/PNOKFRuAtu
Neurocranial evolution in modern humans: the case of Jebel Irhoud 1 - EMILIANO BRUNER and OSBJORN PEARSON https://t.co/IeuHqt9B8D https://t.co/qBrxh1Fw6k

