@DrDebraSoh this will probably become one of the most important papers of the decade if all the big double blinds about to roll in validate it works as expected (like SARS and in vitro) https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@Comparativist @razibkhan Seems weather related things are usually a crapshoot, but hopefully the big double blinds about to hit give more hopeful data to follow this up https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@JanJekielek @hollymathnerd @WHO And now, too many media and public officials are ignoring or hand-waving evidence probably just as important — but that will change in days as the first big double blinds likely validate https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@willchamberlain It misses the best one - dozens of double blinds are going to start trickling in very likely to validate this breakthrough: https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@John_Gardi Interested in learning something new and giving updates as the big double blinds start coming in to follow this up? https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA