Takeshi Enomoto (@takeshi_enomoto)


RT @WavesToWeather: Congrats, Takumi Matsunobu @LMU_Muenchen, Julian Quinting, @cgrams_lsdp @KITKarlsruhe and Mio Matsueda @UofTsukuba for…
2004年7月の酒田・福井豪雨及び関東猛暑と偏西風蛇行についての研究 https://t.co/d0EFvhWiBy
温州みかんのヤコビアンはちょっと思いつかない。 https://t.co/sed5eE8p48 https://t.co/oPZGJ0kkJk
I used #ncl in Enomoto (2008). https://t.co/0vUtgAvJqa
かつてJAMSTEC Rに書いた海面でのアルベドについての論文にDOIがついてJ-STAGEに上がっていた。意外にもハビタブル方面の天文やスキーム改良の論文に引用されていたのはうれしい。見える化していただいた関係者に感謝 https://t.co/jntmxIHWsx
@yuyabbjp 2002年8月に夏に予測しにくい切離低気圧が中欧に洪水をもたらしました。切離低気圧の予測可能性にフロリダ沖の熱低が影響。手前味噌ですが Enomoto et al. 2007; 2015 https://t.co/RUiHhN8Z8x https://t.co/1pQu5z95cg
RT @TakemiTetsuya: Wu and Takemi "The Impact of Topography on the Initial Error Growth Associated with Moist Convection" https://t.co/Hz5kK…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Shiozaki and Enomoto, Two Types of Mid-Latitudes Responses during La Niña, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17, 103-108, do…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Nakashita and Enomoto, Factors for an Abrupt Increase in Track Forecast Error of Typhoon Hagibis (2019), S…
Congratulations for Soari's first paper. Factors for an Abrupt Increase in Track Forecast Error of Typhoon Hagibis (2019) https://t.co/sI22EECOIK
Shiozaki and Enomoto 2020 compares three super El Nino events. Congratulations to Masahiro for his first journal article! https://t.co/iVJG4gi51n
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Enomoto, T., Influence of the Track Forecast of Typhoon Prapiroon on the Heavy Rainfall in Western Japan in July 2018, SOL…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: SOLA Early Online Release: Enomoto, T., Influence of the Track Forecast of Typhoon Prapiroon on the Heavy Rainfall in West…
お目当てはPhillips 1957 (JMSJ)。Williamson 2007ではσ座標の同(J. Meteorology)と間違って引用されている。Browning et al. 1989では巻を35Aとすべきところが75に https://t.co/BKXVYTpTrU
フランス語も発見。Sur la diffusion turbulente des particules https://t.co/AGM276niBJ
気象集誌ってドイツ語ありだったんだ。Über die Entstehung des “Jet-stream” und seiner Turbulenz https://t.co/6AuwvlGdrE


New Graphical Abstract now available online. Ishida, J., K. Aranami, K. Kawano, K. Matsubayashi, Y. Kitamura, C. Muroi, 2022: ASUCA: the JMA operational non-hydrostatic model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100. https://t.co/tPqxuFzcaj https://t.co/iAj3FE2Wkw
なかなか興味深い。 中国人学生が書いた「留学志望書」から見た中国式考え方 : 厦門大学嘉庚学院日本語学部の学生を分析対象として https://t.co/bWUPs85x18
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/YtOZ4JeHeK Liu, Y. L. et al., 2022: Sensitivity of western north Pacific summertime tropical synoptic-scale disturbances to extratropical forcing – A regional climate model study. JMSJ, 100, https://t.co/9xgpKxwVDf. https://t.co/ntr7dowPmz
New Graphical Abstract of JMSJ now available online! https://t.co/rt0XEGzFUE Ikuta et al., 2021: Variational data assimilation system for operational regional models at Japan Meteorological Agency. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, https://t.co/nOg5DmhVad https://t.co/Knfzynr4Pu
Sola new paper: Kanada et al., Future Changes of Tropical Cyclones in the Midlatitudes in 4-km-mesh Downscaling Experiments from Large-Ensemble Simulations, SOLA, 2020, VOL.16, 57-63, doi:10.2151/sola.2020-010, https://t.co/g7Q0zx04X7 https://t.co/A1NXEZaKTn
SOLA New paper: Endo et al. A Unique Feature of the Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Global Warming: The Role of Different Land–Sea Thermal Contrast Change between the Lower and Upper Troposphere. SOLA, 2018, Vol. 14, 57-63, doi: h10.2151/sola.2018-010 https://t.co/eFZ8IRBUZF https://t.co/G0EfFv8r7R

