Tsukiyomi (@tsukiyominoasa)


RT @tsukiyominoasa: FigureSkatingFan made visually wonderful video on Hanyu's bulletin paper, which is his brief summary of Thesis uploaded…
FigureSkatingFan made visually wonderful video on Hanyu's bulletin paper, which is his brief summary of Thesis uploaded, consisted of 3parts,&which he seems2have summarized 1st part+some conclusion from3rd part. Seems2have omitted 3rdpart, reconstruction. https://t.co/BEPhMIZLNG
#YuzuruHanyu Departmental Bulletin Paper,Waseda Journal of Human Science.Translated on his data collection,experiments, concerns for the incorrectly executed jumps(the parts that I left out from a prior post) Changed some order, chapter#added. (Part2, 23t) https://t.co/BEPhMJhncg
#YuzuruHanyu Departmental Bulletin Paper, Waseda Journal of Human Science. Translated on his data collection, experiments, concerns for the incorrectly executed jumps(the parts that I left out from a prior post) Changed some order to simplify. (Part1, 22t) https://t.co/BEPhMJhncg
#YuzuruHanyu Departmental Bulletin Paper,Waseda Journal of Human Sciences. https://t.co/7vIJg4mDk0 (Disclaimer:As magazine"Number"reported, his thesis consists of 3 parts, & what is written here is only the summary of the 1st part+did not translate all but summarized.) 25tweets
RT @hayano: (日本語の解説としてすぐに見つかったのが これ 超解像顕微鏡の進展 http://t.co/KBDhhdH13M もっと適当なものがあるかもしれないが,とりあえず)


FigureSkatingFan made visually wonderful video on Hanyu's bulletin paper, which is his brief summary of Thesis uploaded, consisted of 3parts,&which he seems2have summarized 1st part+some conclusion from3rd part. Seems2have omitted 3rdpart, reconstruction. https://t.co/BEPhMIZLNG
#YuzuruHanyu Departmental Bulletin Paper, Waseda Journal of Human Science. Translated on his data collection, experiments, concerns for the incorrectly executed jumps(the parts that I left out from a prior post) Changed some order to simplify. (Part1, 22t) https://t.co/BEPhMJhncg
#YuzuruHanyu Departmental Bulletin Paper,Waseda Journal of Human Sciences. https://t.co/7vIJg4mDk0 (Disclaimer:As magazine"Number"reported, his thesis consists of 3 parts, & what is written here is only the summary of the 1st part+did not translate all but summarized.) 25tweets

