内山 勝 飯村 憲一 多羅尾 進 ピエロ フランソワ 外山 修
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.12, no.3, pp.117-124, 1994-04-15
16 14

The HEXA robot is a very fast 6-DOF parallel robot. It uses a parallel mechanism, called HEXA mechanism, which consists of a kinematic chain with five closed loops and is driven only by actuators at its base. This robot consists of six very simple elementary kinematic chains, each of which has only one active joint driven by a powerful DD motor. The moving parts of this robot is made very light at no expense of its stiffness. Therefore, this robot can move very fast and precisely. In this paper, we present development of a prototype of this robot. We choose a so-called Adept motion as a benchmark to measure its capability of fast motion. Experimental results show that the prototype robot can achieve the Adept motion in 0.465 [s/cycle] and prove that the HEXA robot is suited for very fast motion.


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こんな論文どうですか? 6自由度高速パラレルロボット HEXA の開発(内山 勝ほか),1994 http://t.co/ZMzVClUedT The HEXA robot is a very f…
こんな論文どうですか? 6自由度高速パラレルロボット HEXA の開発(内山 勝ほか),1994 http://t.co/ZMzVClUedT The HEXA robot is a very f…
こんな論文どうですか? 6自由度高速パラレルロボット HEXA の開発(内山 勝ほか),1994 http://t.co/y7dxOZVv T…
こんな論文どうですか? 6自由度高速パラレルロボット HEXA の開発(内山 勝ほか),1994 http://t.co/y7dxOZVv T…

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