荒井 健男 咲間 修平 佐藤 義倫 篠田 弘造 JEYADEVAN Balachandran 田路 和幸
The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
資源と素材 : 資源・素材学会誌 : journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan (ISSN:09161740)
vol.119, no.12, pp.713-720, 2003-12-25
1 2

Stratified materials are defined as materials with nano-sized stratification that have been artificially controlled and designed. They are exemplified as a thin layer or stacked layers formed on surface of semiconductors. The present research is aiming at formation of controlled and designed stratification on surface of fine particles, leading to improvement of properties of fine particles which has been difficult to accomplish through the conventional particles engineering, and to development of novel properties created by the stratification.<BR>Here, we describe the method of the development of the nano-size CdS catalyst with stratified structure that efficiently separates electron and hole during photolysis, especially, to produce hydrogen gas from hydrogen sulfide, H<sub>2</sub>S. Furthermore, as an approach for the development of the practical use photocatalyst, ZnS-carbon nanotube complex was also made and examined. In a way, the stratified structure is considered to enable the production of a reaction system which simulates function in biological cells. Using this catalyst in the solution mixed with various materials such as, calcium hydroxide, seawater and H<sub>2</sub>S, we succeeded in producing about 7.5l/h m<sup>2</sup> of hydrogen gas under the sunlight.


外部データベース (DOI)

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こんな論文どうですか? ストラティファイド素材と太陽光を利用した新しい水素製造システムの展望(荒井 健男ほか),2003 http://t.co/TDAq537sBv
こんな論文どうですか? ストラティファイド素材と太陽光を利用した新しい水素製造システムの展望(荒井 健男ほか),2003 http://t.co/TDAq537sBv
こんな論文どうですか? ストラティファイド素材と太陽光を利用した新しい水素製造システムの展望(荒井 健男ほか),2003 http://t.co/TDAq537sBv

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