田淵 紀子
日本助産学会 = Japan Academy of Midwifery
日本助産学会誌 (ISSN:09176357)
vol.12, no.2, pp.32-44, 1999-01-20
4 4

The present study is undertaken to investigate how mothers felt when they heard the cries of their babies (within one week and one month after birth) and what actions they took.The subjects of this study were 16 women who delivered normal neonates at a private clinic in Ishikawa Prefecture. How these mothers dealt with the cries of their babies was investigated by means of an interview, which was carried out in a semi-controlled method. The interviews were recorded on tape with each mother's consent. The interviews were performed twice (within one week and one month after birth). Qualitative analysis of the mothers' responses to their babies' cries yielded the following results.The responses of mothers to their babies' cries within one week after birth were found to contain the following six elements: emotional responses, cognitive responses, intellectual interpretation of the cries, concrete countermeasures, intuitive understanding of the cries, and evaluation of the baby's character and temperament.These emotional responses were affected by the mother's stability, the mother's awareness of her role as a mother, the babies' temperament reflected in their cries, and the time since the previous lactation.Mothers attempted to interpret the meaning of their babies' cries. This attempt involves two elements (time and features of the cry).This study revealed what mothers felt when hearing their baby's cries and what action they took to deal with their baby's cries at two points after delivery (within one week and one month after delivery). The findings of this study may be useful to nurses when supporting mothers in the care of babies within one week and one month after birth. 本研究の目的は, 出生後早期および生後1か月時点において, 児の泣き声を聞いたとき, 母親がどのように感じ, どのように考えて行動しているかという "児の泣き声に対する母親の反応" を明らかにすることである.石川県内の出産施設で出生した正常な新生児をもつ母親16名を調査対象とし, 児の泣き声に対する母親の受け止め方について, 半構成的に面接を行い質的に分析した.その結果, 新生児の泣き声に対する母親の反応には, 以下の6つのカテゴリーがあげられた.そのカテゴリーとは,【感情・情動反応】,【認知的反応】,【泣きの解釈】,【児の要求を満たすための行動】,【児の泣きに対する思い】,【児の性格・気質の感じ取り】であった.このうち,【感情・情動反応】には, 児の泣き声を聞いたときの『母親の気持ちの安定性』,『母親役割意識』,『泣きの特徴からみた児の気質』,『前回の授乳時間からの時間経過』が関与していた.また【泣きの解釈】には『時間経過』と『泣きの特徴』が関与していた.本研究の結果より, 出生後1か月ごろまでの児をもつ母親の心理的な状況と母親を支援する方向示唆された.


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こんな論文どうですか? 新生児の泣き声に対する母親の反応(田淵 紀子),1999 https://t.co/jMjgEsxBgA The present study is undertaken to investigate how mothers f…
こんな論文どうですか? 新生児の泣き声に対する母親の反応(田淵 紀子),1999 http://t.co/RCwDb5rv

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