鈴木 宏昭
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence : AI (ISSN:13460714)
vol.19, pp.145-153, 2004-11-01
6 1

The dynamic constraint relaxation theory predicts crucial roles of the initial diversity and evaluation in creative problem-solving. We reported the experimental evidence supporting these predictions, using an insight problem. The experiments showed that the degrees of making different types of trials and the appropriate evaluation were closely related to individual differences in insight problem-solving, and that evaluation became more appropriate by making the problem-solving goal explicit. The review of the research in related fields showed that these experimental findings were in congruent with the evidence obtained from different types of creative activities.


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[参考]創造的問題解決における多様性と評価 http://t.co/B3E1GBkG #led2011
CiNii論文 - 創造的問題解決における多様性と評価 : 洞察研究からの知見 http://t.co/r7qQZMkS

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