但馬 竜介 菅 敬介
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan (ISSN:02891824)
vol.25, no.6, pp.860-866, 2007-09-15
3 2

In the present paper, we introduce a new method by which to generate motions having flight phases such as jumping or running. Such motions are expected to expand the speed and stability of legged robots. Motions with flight phases are examined with respect to jumping, stability and implementation. A novel method of determining the Center of Mass (COM) and foot locations is proposed that is independent of the target robot actuators or assignments of joints. Moreover, the proposed method allows an on-line system to be built easily and is useful for actual robots. A one-legged jumping robot having a toe joint is built in order to demonstrate the feasibility of this method. Using the toe joint of the robot, the proposed method can reduce the angular velocities of the joints remarkably. Experiments are conducted to investigate the control of the direction, velocity and turning of the robot.


外部データベース (DOI)

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@Taki1000 普通にCiNiiで名前が見つかるパパなん。 https://t.co/k7b2l2hm1v
@dobutas この論文 http://t.co/c9y1DB0GdR のが http://t.co/XI8dA1rtr6 だね。
お、CiNiiで名前引っかかるやん、ぱぱなん。 http://t.co/c9y1DB0GdR 1脚ロボットによる跳躍動作の実現

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