雨宮 正樹 今江 理人 藤井 靖久 鈴山 智也 内藤 孝 浦川 順治 海老原 清一 照沼 信浩
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and System Society (ISSN:03854221)
vol.130, no.4, pp.644-650, 2010-04-01

A precise frequency dissemination system using optical fiber is studied. The purpose of the system is to transmit frequency standard with little deterioration to distant many users. It is composed of a phase compensation transmitter, bidirectional optical amplifiers, optical amplified distributor, and receiver. The system target is to achieve a stable transmission of hydrogen maser class signals. For short term stability, it is shown the required optical received power to realize the Allan deviation of 1×10<sup>-13</sup> (averaging time of 1 s). For long term stability, a new compensation method using third wavelength transmission is effective to suppress phase fluctuation induced by fiber temperature change. Experimental result shows stability of 8×10<sup>-17</sup> at 10<sup>5</sup> s in a fiber link of 160 km in total with one bidirectional optical amplifier.


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こんな論文どうですか? 光ファイバによる周波数標準の高精度供給システム(雨宮 正樹ほか),2010 http://id.CiNii.jp/BC7YN

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