弓場井 一裕 寺田 真也 平井 淳之
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and System Society (ISSN:03854221)
vol.131, no.4, pp.773-780, 2011-04-01

In model-free controller syntheses, we have no idea whether the designed controller stabilizes the resulting closed-loop system before its implementation. From the view point of safety of the experimental equipment, we should develop the stability test for model-free controller synthesis using the acquired input/output data. Karimi et al. introduced the sufficient stability condition for the closed-loop system and proposed the stability test for NCbT (Noniterative Correlation-based Tuning) for SISO systems. However, since the positions of the plant and the controller have to be swapped in NCbT, its applicability is restricted to SISO systems.<br>This paper proposes to extend the stability test for NCbT to MIMO systems. The basic idea is to use the special reference <i><b>r</b></i><sup>[<i>i</i>]</sup>(<i>t</i>) and to acquire input/output data as many times as the number of plant inputs. The small-gain theorem introduces the sufficient stability condition for the closed-loop system in terms of the <i>H</i><sub>&infin;</sub> norm of the specific transfer function matrix, which is estimated from the acquired input/output data by the spectral analysis method.<br> The effectiveness of the proposed stability test is confirmed by the numerical experiment for LV100 gas turbine engine model and the experiment for tension-and-speed control apparatus.


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こんな論文どうですか? 多変数NCbTに対する入出力データを用いた安定性テスト(弓場井 一裕ほか),2011 https://t.co/hdfmU5ciT9 In model-free controller syntheses, we have no…
こんな論文どうですか? 多変数NCbTに対する入出力データを用いた安定性テスト(弓場井 一裕ほか),2011 https://t.co/mGdGc8sbC7
1 1 https://t.co/yqaXmpPpis
こんな論文どうですか? 多変数NCbTに対する入出力データを用いた安定性テスト(弓場井 一裕ほか),2011 https://t.co/mGdGc8sbC7

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