大塚 容子
岐阜聖徳学園大学紀要. 教育学部外国語学部 (ISSN:09160175)
vol.37, pp.117-131, 1999-02-28

The paper presents the prefaces used in the discussion in a TV program in Japanese. It is natural that people should express their own opinion in the discussion without any hesitation. In Japanese, however, many prefaces, hedges, indirect expressions and so on are used, when objections are raised in discussion. To summarize, the prefaces are used in both ways showing one's approval and making an objection. The use of prefaces reflects the possessing "politeness" in mind. Making an objection to someone means "Face Threating Act, " nevertheless we often have to make an objection. In this case, we show our concern of "politeness" by saying that "To tell the truth, " "If I may ask, " and so on. Received Sept. 28,1998


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