箕輪 憲吾
県立長崎シーボルト大学国際情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13466372)
vol.2, pp.67-74, 2001-12-20

The new rule of 25-point rally scoring system was adopted since 1999. The purpose of this study was to clarify the influence of the 25-point rally scoring system on reception, setting tactics and attack. Samples were taken to observe from 184 sets played in the 1999 Spring Kyushu League of Intercollegiate Women's Volleyball. Main findings were as follows : 1)It was clarified that the results of serve-reception, attack-reception and free-ball-reception influence the outcome of the game. 2)It was clarified that the results of setting tactics after serve-reception and combination attack with position changing by setter influence the outcome of the game. 3)It was clarified that the results of attack after serve-reception and attack after attack-reception influence the outcome of the game. 4)It was clarified that attack after serve-reception was the most important of all the attacks in the 25-point rally scoring system game.


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こんな論文どうですか? バレーボールにおける25点ラリーポイント制のゲームに関する研究 : 攻撃の結果とゲームの勝敗について(箕輪 憲吾),2001 https://t.co/UrNYuXC8ot

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