宮永 孝
社會勞働研究 (ISSN:02874210)
vol.42, no.4, pp.165-189, 1996-02

Nawadays Macau (澳門), a Portuguese colony, attracts many visitors from all over the world.This city was once called "the City of Death" in the last century, but it is going to be recreated a new, modern city, sprouting dozens of new buildings here and there.I visited Macau once and enjoyed staying there.What attracted my attention and impressed me deeply was the old remains of the façade of St.Paul's church located almost in the middle of the city, where quite a few Japanese Christians were buried; reportedly they helped to build it many centuries ago.The façade maintains the solemnity and beauty as well.During my brief stay in Macau, I was happy to make the acquaintance of Fr.Manuel Teixeira, an eminent orientalist and priest, who not only showed me round the historic spots but enlightened me greatly as to the history of the city.I well remember I was lost in admiration of two oil-paingtings, one of which shows the crucification of the Japanese Christians at Nagasaki and other of St.Michael, the Archangel in Seminário S.José (聖若瑟修院).As regards the latter, the name of the painter remains unknown.However, according to Fr.M.Teixeira, one of the four Japanese Christians, all of whom were the disciples of Giovanni Nicolo (1560~1626), a famous Italian priest and master in the art of sacred paingtings, painted it. Supposedly the painters are: (1) Mancio Taichiku (?~1615), born in Udo (宇土), in the province of Higo (肥後国), died in Macau.(2) Peter Chikuam alias Pedro Joãn (?~1622), died in Macau.(3) Todeu (?~1638), died in Macau.(4) Yacob Niva (丹羽?) alias Yacobo Niva (?~1638), died in Macau.It is said Yacob Niva towered above others as a painter.This article deals with the Japanese Christians in Macau and with the painting of the Archangel.The identity of the artist, however, still remains unknown.In conclusion, I'd like to express my deep indebtedness to Fr.M.Texiera and some of the university libraries in Tokyo for providing assistance during my research.


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こんな論文どうですか? <研究ノート>マカオの聖パウロ教会と日本人 : 「聖ミカエル大天使」を描いた謎の絵師(宮永 孝),1996 https://t.co/Q1ZpCN1lLT

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