林 義正 鍋島 久浩
東海大学紀要. 工学部 (ISSN:05636787)
vol.36, no.2, pp.187-195, 1996

New technologies, acquired for race cars through rigorous pursuit of the three most important performance criteria of an automobile, are subsequently applied their ways to the actual production. Running performance of a battery powered electric vehicle was investigated based on informations associated with high performance endurance race vehicles. By utilizing newly developed circuit driving simulation program, the electric racing cars performance on the LeMans 24-hour endurance race was predicted : such race circuit requires vehicles to withstand durability equivalent to 500,000 km run on ordinary road. The layout of the electric race vehicle was also designed on the structural study of the race cars to achieve the performance goal. As a result, it was found that the electric vehicle, even with a disadvantage of heavy battery weight, has an equal running performance compared to gasoline engine powered race cars. Also, the electric vehicle's efficiency of energy conversion from crude oil was found to be 50% higher than the gasoline engine cars.


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ざぁぁっと流し読みしてみた。大変多くの情報がソツなくきれいに整理されているように思う。 RT @Haruyan000 【電気動力レーシングカーの性能解析】http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110000194224 工学系の論文だけど、これマジ神論文。

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