菅野 卓治 橋本 裕之 大谷 登蔵
東北大學選鑛製錬研究所彙報 (ISSN:0040876X)
vol.34, no.1, pp.53-57, 1978-09-16

The ion-exchange properties of cesium and strontium into zeolite from sodium salt solution has been studied in zeolite A, zeolite X, zeolite Y, mordenite and clinoptilolite. The distribution of cesium into mordenite from about 1〜2 M sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide solutions is considerably larger than that into zeolite A. The distribution coefficient for 2 M solution of sodium salts was about 300. Therefore, the seperation of cesium from sodium salt solution is possible by using mordenite. The distribution of strontium into zeolites from 1〜2 M solutions of sodium chloride and sodium nitrate were in the order of zeolite A>zeolite X>zeolite Y≃mordenite. The distribution coefficient of 230 was obtained for 1 M solutions of sodium salts. The anion in solutions had no effect on the distribution of cesium and strontium into zeolite from sodium salt solution.


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こんな論文どうですか? <報文>ナトリウム塩溶液からのセシウムおよびストロンチウムのゼオライトへのイオン交換挙動(菅野 卓治ほか),1978 http://id.CiNii.jp/0t2L

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