キャラカー リチャード ラッセル
山梨医科大学紀要 = 山梨医科大学紀要 (ISSN:09105069)
no.14, pp.61-65, 1997

Foreign language teaching in universities, like other disciplines is dependent upon the continuous evaluation of its students. Testing of language skills traditionally utilizes line item multiple choice questions types due to its ease of administering and evaluation. Students often view such examinations with a combination of anxiety and disinterest, rarely retaining any learning benefits. In addition, such test types do not get at all the skills acquired in spoken language classrooms. A different testing method is required which both adequately evaluates students' oral English proficiency, and raises students' interest in learning the language. Tests that are both motivating and serve the administrative interests of the institution and the students should be the goal of all English language classes.


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こんな論文どうですか? Intrinsically motivating tests : an oxymoron?(キャラカー リチャード ラッセル),1997 https://t.co/fKODZX9Dqk Foreign language te…

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