佐々木 明
人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編 (ISSN:13422782)
vol.34, pp.115-140, 2000-03

The purpose of this paper is to establish the global outline of the Boreal and the Early Atlantic culture-temprature correlation. 5. The early and middle Boreal (7.9-7.1kaBC) was under fluctuant amelioration toward the B. hypsithermal (7.1-6.6kaBC). Polarward shifted midlatitude high pressure began to dessicate northern Sahara, but newly rained warm grassland in the southern part attracted immigrants. Preceramic meditteranean farmers climbed the gorge of the overwarming Lift Valley to diffuse over the cool Fertile Crescent and a part of their descendants further emmigrated in B.H. to cooler upland steppes, especially to central Anatolia whose copper resource accelerated the Crescent's chalcolithization. Monsoon development moistened continental South Asia to accomodate microlithic Iranians, eastern Central Asia to allow the East Asian ceramic-neolithic penetration, and central and northern China to initiate oryza agriculture. 6. The Early Antlantic opened with short but rapid deterioration which was followed by persistent fluctuation (E.A. interhypsithermal : 6.6-6.2kaBC), and by the E.A. hypsithermal (6.2-5.6kaBC). Midlatitude desiccation transferred the Saharan economy from fishery to nomadic stock rising, forced the Mesopotamian craftsmen to produce the painted wares of higher exchange value to meet their own subsistence demand, and began to force the Mesopotamian population to concentrate into the lower and irrigated areas. Ameriolation gave impetus to ceramic-neolithization both in the Black Sea-Donau areas (their copper resource drawing mediterranean migrants) and in lran-southwestern Central Asia, and to incipient setaria agriculture in northern China. Discussion is summarized as ; (i) 'migration' in this paper is the time-area bound sum total of individuals' movement, is motivating factor for acculturation and is critical countermeasure against fatal crises, (ii) the earliest microlithic industries were technological response to the glacial reduction of pebbled riverbeds, the main suppliers of stone tool materials, and (iii) in the early Holocene the natural size reduction and species diversification of ameliorating faunas paralleled the 'archaic' hunting strategy, nonexistent was the coastal. fishery dependency for which archaeological evidences were eustatic incidents (older and lower sites having been demolished), the polarward migration of the species of intensive gathering, when human-assisted, evolved itself to the incipient agricuture, an achievement having experienced an intermediate millenium, and several mammal species of fitted ethology were polygenetically domesticated as husbandry livestocks.


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