菊池 聡 金田 茂裕 守 一雄
人文科学論集 人間情報学科編 (ISSN:13422782)
no.41, pp.105-115, 2007-03

Ninety-five undergraduates belonging to four different hobby groups took two different types of attitudinal assessment measures towards "Otaku" concept ; an implicit measure recently developed by Mori (2006) and two explicit measures developed by Kikuchi (2000). The results showed that these three measures were inter correlated and the implicit measure failed to discriminate the four groups, but most Otaku-cultured group showed a slight positive attitude towards Otaku-concepts. Being Otaku was once strongly associated with negative image among the Japanese students. However, the present results showed the Otaku image has become neutral in both implicit and explicit measures.
佐々木 明
人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編 (ISSN:13422782)
vol.31, pp.139-152, 1997-02

This paper, by reading 160 Japanese articles appeared in journals published in the 1950-1965 period, rediscovers that the Third World War strategy shift from the total war (Log Pull) to the nuclear warfare (New Look) in 1953 byproduced the third world postwar depression and theconcentratedi ndependences of colonies.T heU nitedS tates- Kingdom's massive import of materials for the strategic reserves and for public and privates tockse xpectingt heW arp rolonged,o re venf ortitiedt heS econd World War economy prosperity in the developing countries and areas. But tinancial and economic disturbances caused by the total war preparation forced the United States-Kingdom govermentst oa bandont hee xpensive strategy.C ontroledp ublicr eserve venditiona nd destructive private stock dumping in midst of the third world production expansion immediately generated the third world postwar depression which in unemployment colonies nourished uprisings which often developed into the independence movements.
佐々木 明
人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編 (ISSN:13422782)
vol.40, pp.99-122, 2006-03-15

The 1.6-1.1 kaB.C. period was characterized by two ameriorations, early and terminal, and by stable law temperature inbetween. Increased tin production in northern China Zongyuan, where unlimited labour supply was available of the immense Neolithic populations, was the most important event of the era. The extensive mining of the semi-rare metal realized not only an ancient civilization at the very location of the inorganic yield, but also bronze penetration into whole China and southwest Asia. Contemporary circummediterranean cultures were at least indirectly affected by the abundant supply of Chinese Sn which in the Indus valley ruined the precedent economy based on locally collected and highly priced tin export, forcing the first south Asian rulers to desert their cities. In central Asia the "tin road" bronze culture zone connecting Zhongyuan and Ukraine came into existence. Although the Orient world was at its final formative phase, and the kingdoms recorded their impressive histories, Egyptian and Mesopotamian conditions followed the repeated pattern of hypsithermal disorder and hypothermal reconstruction. Anatolian highlanders, having suffered for long from the bronze production growth limited by the shortage of the carbon family element, eventually introduced steel technology which had changed the circummediterranean and southwest Asian history as early as at the end of this demimillennium. In Oceania the Micronesian navigators of Taiwanese origin were widening human habitat. Epipalaeolithic still survived in vast high latitude Americas, but until the last century of this 0.5ka period the first proto-urban complex were constructed at the both extremes of the longitudinally spread core of American prehistoric cultures. Three themes are discussed: (12.7) controlled firing was the most effective forest clearing tool of lithic peoples, (12.8) closed woodland lithic life were centered at waterside-fired grasslands and surrounding secondary forest, and (12.9) Bronze age tin problem was partially and escalatingly solved at first by minute local mining, later by Indus resources, then by material produced at Iran -Afghanistan border, and finally by the Chinese Zhongyuan metal.
渡邊 勉
人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編 (ISSN:13422782)
vol.39, pp.65-78, 2005-03-15

最後通牒ゲーム (Ultimatum Game) に関する実験研究の知見は, 経済理論から得られる予想と大きくずれていることが知られている。つまり, 経済理論では不平等が実現すると予想するのに対して, 現実の実験では平等が実現するのである。このズレを説明する有力な仮説の一つとして, 人々が経済合理的個人なのではなく, 公正観を持つ個人だからという仮説がある。本稿では, 最後通牒ゲームの実験研究から得られている知見を, 理論的に説明することを目的とする。その際, 競争志向プレーヤーと平等志向プレーヤーを想定し, それらのプレーヤーがゲームをおこなった場合に, 平等が実現するのかを検討した。その結果, 競争志向プレーヤー間, 平等志向プレーヤー間だと平等が成立する。その一方で, 異なるプレーヤー間, あるいは相手のタイプがわからない場合には平等が実現しないことも示した。つまり, 人々が経済合理的個人であっても, 公正観を持つ個人であっても条件次第によって, 平等が実現することが明らかとなった。
長谷川 孝治
人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編 (ISSN:13422782)
vol.41, pp.91-103, 2007-03-15

長谷川 孝治
人文科学論集 人間情報学科編 (ISSN:13422782)
no.42, pp.53-65, 2008-03

山本 英二
人文科学論集 人間情報学科編 (ISSN:13422782)
no.37, pp.157-174, 2003-03

人文科学論集 人間情報学科 37: 157-174 (2003)
佐々木 明
人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編 (ISSN:13422782)
vol.37, pp.115-137, 2003-03-14

This paper describes the global culture adaptation, regionally resulting in the ancient civilizations, to the late Holocene or modern environment under the unparalleled palaeotemprature stability during the 3.0-2.5k. cal. yr. B.C. period. The construction of petty city states around the Black Sea, and of small town settlements in Iran, southwest Central Asia and western continental South Asia attracts our attention, as well as the development and militarization of the Mesopotamian city states and the political and cultural establishment of the Egyptian Old Kingdom. Chinese cultures were attaining one of the highest levels realized by the neolithic people, but metallurgy was not invented there. Other areas were experiencing mostly their neolithic adaptations, although epipalaeolithic populations were scattered especially in the southern hemisphere. At the end of this paper three themes are discussed. (9.7) The city states' economic growth caused their violent struggle. The dispatch of the high nobles of a victory city state to the defeated cities and the disarmament of non-capital cities brought a territory state to completion. (9.8) Metallurgy was invented in the dry areas of abundant mineral resources, not in soil-botanically covered region (e.g. in the coastal China mainland). (9.9) Stone circles and other (mega-) lithic structures found at neolithic and early metal culture sites were stone coral or domesticated plant-animal protection where densely inhabited wild animals would have damaged agriculture and husdandry but where insufficient wood work technology prevented effective legneous fencing.
杉浦 義典 杉浦 知子 丹野 義彦
人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編 (ISSN:13422782)
vol.40, pp.33-46, 2006-03-15

This study examined the psychometric properties of the scales intended to measure constructs related to Morita Therapy. Such scales are expected to be useful for empirical comparison of Morita Therapy with different but similar interventions (e.g., cognitive behavior therapy). Two scales were completed by college students: Self Report Morita -Neuroticism Inventory (SRMNI) and Self and Anxiety Questionnaire (SAQ). SRMNI is intended to measure vulnerability to neurosis (anxiety disorders); SAQ is intended to measure beliefs about anxiety, which is relevant to development, maintenance, and treatment of anxiety. Correlations with personality traits, anxiety, and depression revealed the psychometric properties of the subscales of each inventory. Morita-Neuroticism of SRMNI reflected per. 森田療法で仮定される病理学的要因や治療における変化プロセスを捉えることを目的とした尺度の心理測定的性質を検討した。このような尺度は森田療法を認知行動療法など他の心理療法と実証的に比較するために有用である。具体的には,神経症(不安障害)の素因とされる森田神経質を測定する神経質自己調査票,および「とらわれ」や「あるがまま」といった概念と密接にかかわる不安への態度を測定する自己と不安の質問紙を取り上げた。大学生データをもとに,他のパーソナリティ特性や不安や抑うつ症状との関連を検討した。神経質自己調査票の下位尺度である神経質傾向度は完全主義的傾向を反映しており,いわゆる神経症傾向(ネガティブ情動)とは異なった側面を捉えていた。一方,幼弱性という傾向が症状と一貫した関連を示した。幼弱性は,自己中心性や依存性を反映する。一方,自己と不安の質問紙については,不安感や不安を感じる自己を受容できる傾向および問題に対処する効力感が,特性不安などと負の相関を示した。神経質自己調査票の神経質傾向度や理知-感覚傾向度,自己と不安の質問紙の感情制御欲求は本研究では症状との関連が見いだされなかったが,理論的に有用な次元であると考えられた。それぞれの尺度は一定の妥当性を示したため,森田療法の関連概念を測定する研究は今後も継続する価値があると考えられる。しかし,尺度の項目など今後の洗練が必要であろう。