大須 泰治 吉田 弘法 岡村 輝一 小西 裕之 小林 敏孝
足利工業大学研究集録 (ISSN:0287086X)
vol.36, pp.47-52, 2003-03-18

In order to understand the effects of an athlete's sleep behavior upon their game results. the relationship between athlete's sleep-wakefulness rhythm and their game results were estimated by both the sleep log and the questionnaire for sleep (named OSA sleep inventory). 24 male gymnasts (aged 20.5±1.32 year) participated in this study. Their results of the games were collected from the following competitions; the international DTB Cup 2000(Germany, December, 2000.), The 54th All Japan Gymnastics Championships in Sendai 2000, The 55th All Japan Gymnastics Championships in Kochi 2001, The 33rd Tohoku and Hokkaido University Gymnastics Championships in Sendai 2000. An athlete, whose subjective sleep length at the night before the game were similar or longer when compared with the average subjective sleep length of the nights from one week age to two days before a game, received good results in their game. An athlete, whose subjective sleep length at the night before the game were shorter than the average subjective sleep length in the week before a game, therefore they could not get good results in their game. An athlete, whose subjective sleep feeling al the night before the game was better than the average subjective sleep feeling in the week, hence they also received good results in their games. These results suggest that their stability of the sleep-wakefulness rhythm and a good subjective sleep feeling are closely related to their game results.


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こんな論文どうですか? 睡眠のスポーツ競技に与える影響,2003 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110000968550

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