小林 敏孝 篠沢 隆雄

H16年度において、睡眠の数学モデルによって、睡眠時間が昼間の行動と密接な関係にあることを推定した。H16年度〜17年度にかけて、15名の被験者に睡眠日誌と行動量計(アクチグラフ)を約2週間記録してもらい、彼らの自覚的な睡眠覚醒リズム(SWR)と活動休止リズムを測定した結果、睡眠時間が6時間以下のshort sleeper (SS)では、昼間の活動量が常に高かかった。これに反して9時間を超えるlong sleeper (LS)の昼間の活動量は変動が大きく、SSに比べて低かった。17年度〜18年度にかけて、企業の中高年(38才〜59才)の会社員に対して、睡眠時間が比較的短い6名を選び、彼らに睡眠ポリソムノグラフ(PSG)等を3夜連続で記録した。その結果、平均睡眠時間が5時間半以下の者はREM睡眠の持続が悪く、精神的なストレスが過多であった。また、性格傾向を質問法(YGテスト)で検討した結果、SS群とLS群の間には大きな差異は認められなかった。しかし、面談による被験者の性格傾向としてSS群は快活、多弁の被験者が多く、LS群は物静かな印象を強く受けた。性格傾向に関しては詳細な検討が必要と考えている。以上の3年間の結果から、short sleeperの行動上特徴として、昼間の活動量が常に高いこと、さらに中高年では精神的なストレス過多にある可能性が高いことが明らかになった。これは、昼間の活動を高める性格に関与する性格遺伝子が睡眠時間を決定している遺伝子の有力な候補の可能性が高いことを意味する。3年間の研究期間においてshort sleeperの精神生理的な特徴の同定に多くの時間を要したために、遺伝子の同定に着手できなった。今後、平均睡眠時間が5時間前後でしかも昼間の活動量が高く昼寝の習慣がない群を選び、昼間の活動が高い性格に関与する遺伝子の同定を試みる。
高橋 祐樹 加藤 信介 小林 敏孝 吉井 光信 上原 茂男 樋口 祥明 高橋 幹雄 石川 敦雄 黒木 友裕 野崎 尚子
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.76, no.662, pp.335-343, 2011-04-30 (Released:2011-07-29)

This study investigated the effect of diurnal thermal changes on the circadian rhythm of human core body temperature, together with secondary effects on other psycho-physiological functioning and intellectual performance. Four male subjects (23 - 25 years of age) were observed under three experimental temperature cycles in a climate chamber. In Case 1, the temperature remained fixed at 24°C (control); in Case 2, a constant temperature of 24°C during the morning and the afternoon was raised to 27°C at 6 PM and remained constant during the evening, to evaluate the effects of body heating before sleep; in Case 3, the temperature control schedule is similar to Case 2 with the exception of the changing time, not at 6 PM but at noon, to reflect the normal circadian increase in core body temperature (CBT) in the afternoon. The change of the thermal environment caused amplitude increment or phase advance in rectal temperature (RT). Measurements based on electrocardiographs, salivary cortisol levels, psychological measurement tools and intellectual tests illustrated the beneficial effects of the temperature control. The results reveal that control of the thermal environment in spaces based on the circadian rhythm may regulate RT rhythm, leading to improvement in psycho-physiological state and intellectual performance of occupants.
大須 泰治 吉田 弘法 岡村 輝一 小西 裕之 小林 敏孝
足利工業大学研究集録 (ISSN:0287086X)
vol.39, pp.113-117, 2005-03-18

In our previous article (Ashikaga Institute of Technology Research Report Vol. 36, 2003), the effect of sleep on performances of gymnasts was examined in terms of their subjective feelings of sleep, and it was found out that Japan's top athletes had achieved adequate sleep regularity and that the degree of a good sleep estimation in them was larger than that in average university athletes. In this article, we have attempted to add details about the relationship between the sleep behavior and athletic performance through the analysis of sleep-log of a gymnast who participated in Sydney Olympic Games 2000. His sleep behavior before, during, and after the Olympic Games was analyzed and compared with the sleep behaviors of five other subjects examined in the previous research. The Olympic gymnast showed an extremely high degree of regularity in sleep and positively estimated his subjective feeling of sleep, which supposedly led to his successful performance in the Olympic Games. This result suggests that top-level international gymnasts characteristically have a high degree of sleep regularity and quality.
大須 泰治 吉田 弘法 岡村 輝一 小西 裕之 小林 敏孝
足利工業大学研究集録 (ISSN:0287086X)
vol.36, pp.47-52, 2003-03-18

In order to understand the effects of an athlete's sleep behavior upon their game results. the relationship between athlete's sleep-wakefulness rhythm and their game results were estimated by both the sleep log and the questionnaire for sleep (named OSA sleep inventory). 24 male gymnasts (aged 20.5±1.32 year) participated in this study. Their results of the games were collected from the following competitions; the international DTB Cup 2000(Germany, December, 2000.), The 54th All Japan Gymnastics Championships in Sendai 2000, The 55th All Japan Gymnastics Championships in Kochi 2001, The 33rd Tohoku and Hokkaido University Gymnastics Championships in Sendai 2000. An athlete, whose subjective sleep length at the night before the game were similar or longer when compared with the average subjective sleep length of the nights from one week age to two days before a game, received good results in their game. An athlete, whose subjective sleep length at the night before the game were shorter than the average subjective sleep length in the week before a game, therefore they could not get good results in their game. An athlete, whose subjective sleep feeling al the night before the game was better than the average subjective sleep feeling in the week, hence they also received good results in their games. These results suggest that their stability of the sleep-wakefulness rhythm and a good subjective sleep feeling are closely related to their game results.