針貝 綾 Aya HARIKAI 鹿児島県立短期大学地域研究所 The Regional Studies institute of Kagoshima Prefectual College
鹿児島県立短期大学地域研究所研究年報 (ISSN:02885883)
no.34, pp.25-44, 2002

This paper describes about one hundred and ten monumental outdoor sculptures erected in Kagoshima Prefecture from the Meiji period to the present time, and provides information and clarification about their historical background. Among features characteristic of them as a group two are pointed out here. The first is that there still remain standing in Kagoshima city three Taisho-period portrait sculptures of members of the Shimazu daimyo family. The second is that most of the outdoor sculptures in Kagoshima after World War II depict men of towering achievement in the past, who had connection with Kagoshima.


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明治43年6月16日、島津珍彦(島津備後)が死去。島津久光の子で、薩摩藩主・島津茂久(忠義)の弟。慶応3年には西郷隆盛や大久保利通に近い人物だった。針貝綾「鹿児島県の屋外彫刻」(『鹿児島県立短期大学地域研究所研究年報』34)は、大正期に建立された珍彦の銅像に言及。 https://t.co/5LeweLiHtX

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