田尻 尚士 松本 能市 原 和子
近畿大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:04538889)
no.6, pp.87-91, 1973-03

[Author abstract]Ethylene gas treatment of early ripening green mandarin oranges (Miyagawa variety), which were havested early or middle of October, resulted in rapid coloration. This method, however, was not successful when the oranges were treated in non-aerated place such as polyvinyl (vinyl chloride) bag. It may be that insufficinet aeration suppresses respiration of the oranges, thus hindering their ripening. On the other hand, the treatment performed in well aerated place, for instance in cartone bag, gave a satisfactory result. The acility of the fruit thus treated was lowered with concomitant increase, through slight of sugar content. This treatment rendered the fruit skin tight and caused no fruit soffening, as the result, giving attractive appearance. Therefore they were expected to be very suitable for commercial shipment at early season. Suitable coloration can be achieved within 9 days by performing the treatment at 25℃ in a room provided with appropriate aeration system with constant supply of ethylene gas. This treatment may be practiced in a large for early shipment of well colored mandrain oranges.[著者抄録]宮川早生温州をやや早めに、すなわち、未だ果皮が黄変せぬ前に(9月上、中旬)採取し、エチレンガス処理を行なえば、着色は促進され、また、品質も改善される。しかし通気性のほとんどない包装材、すなわち、塩化ビニール袋中で処理すると、果実の呼吸などの生理的現象がさまたげられるためか、ほとんど効果は認めがたい。他方、通気性のかなりあるダンボール箱のような、包装材中での処理効果は著しく、熟成が促進され、酸味が減少し、糖分の蓄積増加などが見られ、果実の浮皮化、軟化現象などもなく外観は、きわめて美麗なオレンヂ色となり、早期出荷などの経済的観点からも大きな期待がもたれる。処理中、および、その後の貯蔵温度は25℃位が良い。もし、包装せず、恒温で通気性のある室内にエチレンガスを一定量噴霧させ、かなり大規模に熟成促進に利用することが可能であるように思われる。特に、25℃の貯蔵温度で9日目位で充分酸味が減少、甘味も増加し、着色効果もあり、極めて良質のみかんとなることが明白となった。


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