佐藤 恵子
東海大学紀要. 開発工学部 (ISSN:09177612)
vol.10, pp.1-12, 2001-03-30

Eugenics can be defined as a science which deals with the improvement of hereditary qualities of human beings through scientific breeding. Today, facing the new age of scientifc technology, particularly life-manipulating technology, we feel an urgent need to pay attention to the historical significance of eugenics once more. For from this word, eugenics, we are reminded of the Nazi's inhumane cruel act, which we should absolutely not repeat in the future. It's quite natural for us to condemn the Nazis for their crimes, but on the other hand, as a backdrop, we must clarify objectively what eugenics was and how it originated in Europe about the turn of the century. Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), a famous zoologist from Germany, was also well known as a social Darwinist and played an important role at an early stage in the history of eugenics. From the abovc-mentioned viewpoint, this paper will examine his eugenic thought and clarify its characteristics.


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