坂口 輝子 池谷 幸子 中村 春美 湊 真理子 日下 和代 高橋 喜久雄
千葉県立衛生短期大学紀要 (ISSN:02885034)
vol.20, no.2, pp.9-14, 2002

Edema, pain and limited jaw opening are common sequel after extraction of the impacted third molar tooth. We studied the efficacy of easy cold dressings in 111 patients, and compared it with a control group (n=118). The material of the dressing pad is packed frozen polydichlorosodium that is applied to the facial surface immediately following the removal of the tooth. The major findings are summarized as follows : 1) There was no statistical difference between the two groups with respect to body temperature, degree of swelling, maximum incisal opening and frequency of intake of analgesics. 2) Pain level and degree of difficulty in mouth opening were determined by patient self-assessment using visual analog scales (VAS). In these subjective findings, the cold dressing group showed a better outcome compared with the control group. 3) In the cold dressing group, 74.8% of the patients felt relief from the application of the cold pads. 4) There was no difference between the two groups in wound healing and the frequency of complications. The results of this study document the advantages of easy cold dressings following the extraction of the impacted lower wisdom tooth.


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