佐藤 純子
甲南女子大学大学院論集. 人間科学研究編 (ISSN:13482122)
pp.71-83, 2003-03-18

TitleVII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act enacted in 1968, well known as the "Bilingual Education Act" , was replaced by the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001" which was signed into law by President Bush on January 8, 2002. The expiration of the "Bilingual Education Act" means the elimination of not only bilingual programs, but also the spirit of multiculturalism in the sense of tolerance and respect for diversity. This paper seeks to compare the purposes of the "Bilingual Education Act of 1968" with those of the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001", and tries to expound why the "Bilingual Education Act" is needed to proceed us to real democracy.


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[ins_子育て&教育][soc_エスニシティ] ヒスパニック系への教育と英語中心主義"国家体制が公民権運動以降隆盛していた多文化主義から路線を変え、再び同化主義へと再編成されたことを意味している"

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