1 0 0 0 IR 音楽と言語

吉永 誠吾
vol.14, pp.11-17, 1997-02-28

本稿では、音楽の才能の現れ方と人間が言語能力を習得して行くプロセスを比較しながら考えることによって、音楽教育のあるべき姿を探っていこうと考えている。Music and language have much in common. When we consider how music should be taught at school, it seems to be significant to know the process of language acquisition. Music itself is a language in which we can share our emotions with the people. We can tell them our thoughts with words, but we can't share our emotions with only these. Feelings such as laughter, anger, sorrow and anxiety, we can convey how deeply we feel with the help of facial expressions. Of course, emotion should be expressed correctly. It is true that children study language at school, but they are not taught to express their true feelings. Therefore, music education plays an important role in helping the people to express their own feelings. When we assme that music is a language to express feelings, this will bring out the problem of music education in Japan full relief. Accordingly, in this paper, I suggest how music education should be taught considering the debelopment of musical talent comparing this to the process of language acquisition.


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こんな論文どうですか? 音楽と言語(吉永 誠吾),1997 https://t.co/OxdjDeqhIU 本稿では、音楽の才能の現れ方と人間が言語能力を習得して行くプロセスを比較しながら考えることによって、音楽教育のあるべき姿を探っていこうと考…

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