武見 太郎
学校法人 産業医科大学
産業医大誌 (ISSN:0387821X)
vol.1, no.3, pp.247-260, 1979

As an introduction, I talked about my experience as a visiting professor at the Keio, Kitasato and Tokai Universities lecturing to the medical students on the introduction to medicine, finding that the Japanese students are passive in receiving education and are good at memorizing while the foreign students study hard and do not depend on memorizing alone. I also related my experience studying under Dr. Yoshio Nishina at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research for 15 years and learned how important it was to have thorough discussions. In regard to the introduction to medicine, it is composed of the following aspects : historical, philosophical, technological, policy and human. With regard to the historical aspect, the most representative paper is "Enführung in die Medizin."With regard to the philosophical aspect, this is represented in Japan by Prof. Emer. H. Omodaka and his group and these philosophers introspect medicine. In philosophical thinking there is a somewhat newer school called biophilosophy and Rensch's biophilosophy is used world-widely as a textbook. With regard to the human aspect, I always think of Alexis Carrel's "Man the Unknown". Next I touched on the macro theory of medical care where we have to consider the rapid increase of the old people and the changes in the population structure and what the effects of these changes will be in the future. In looking at the coming 21 st century we will see how we must conserve resources and use them effectively, and jointly with the other parties. Here we see the entrance of human survival order. This is very important sociobiologically but is not taught in the medical schools yet. I next touched on the metabolism of earth and stressed the role of industrial medicine in the effects of industrialization, Iike development of resources, recycling, pollution and so forth. I talked about the human survival order and the concept of health using illustrations which I always use in my talk on this subject.I talked about the DNA and RNA, reflection from the future, the phenomenon of adaptation. Next I talked about the micro order and macro order of survival, or the adaptation theory. I next talked about my concept of general economics which is composed of environment resources, human beings, which is related to comprehensive technology, and leads to service. This is related to the basic concept of medico-economics which I spoke about later on. I talked about considering the importance of the structure of the demand for medical care and about primary care, positive health, rehabilitation, community medicine, industrial medicine and medical reproduction and reproduction of health. This demand for medical care is not only from the side of the people. Demand changes with the level of culture, and by the popularization of health education there will be a true demand. I explained about the various sciences which surround medical care, such as social sciences, environmental science and social engineering. I commented on the present health insurance system and pointed out the weak and faulty parts and how it should be revised. I pointed out the many factors which this involves and how the future of medical care should be in our country. I also explained about the form of system science which should be in our country. I also explained about the form of system science which should be introduced in order for Japan to survive. Finally I expressed my hopes that the contents of the lecture in the introduction to medicine to be given at the University of Occupational and Environmental Health will contribute to making your future activity in society worthwhile.


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こんな論文どうですか? わが国医療の前途(武見 太郎),1979 https://t.co/AHNIXgvvHN As an introduction, I talked about my experience as a visiting prof…

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