安渓 遊地
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.8, pp.107_a, 78_a-69_a, 2002-03-25

This is the summarized record of a 10-year conflict between a local Japanese woman and Mr. TATEMATSU Wahei, a famous writer. Ten years ago, the author and his wife stayed on an island in southernmost Japan, where they met with the woman. She narrated to them the islanders' animistic cosmology and the local wisdom that had been handed down through generations. They agreed to work together, and printed the narratives to be read by the islanders. Later, Mr. Tatematsu visited the island, obtained the pamphlet, and made use of it. He published articles using her narratives including her name and the name of the island. However, because the narrator and the editors were not informed, they unanimously protested to him about such an abuse of their work. Further, the woman could no longer continue her work of dyeing and weaving textiles because of the increase of the tourists wishing to see her. Knowing that these visitors were guided by the book written by Mr. Tatematsu, she and the editers demanded a withdrawal of the copies of his book to stop the violation of their human rights of privacy and copyright. The writer neglected their demands for a whole year until he was openly blamed for other plagiarisms from the writings of criminals under sentence of death. With this news, the woman decided to organize an association to cope with the' human rights violations by Mr. Tatematsu.


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こんな論文どうですか? 聞き書きと人権侵害 : 立松和平対策事務所の 10 年(安渓遊地),2002 http://id.CiNii.jp/HgLQL

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