石塚 昌範 児玉 安正 Masanori ISHIZUKA Yasu-Masa KODAMA 弘前大学大学院理工学研究科:(現)八戸市役所 弘前大学理工学部 Department of Earth Sciences Graduate School of Hirosaki University:(Present affrication)The government of Hachinohe city Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Hirosaki University
天気 = Tenki (ISSN:05460921)
vol.48, no.9, pp.673-687, 2001-09-30

TRMM(熱帯降雨観測衛星)の多重センサー(PR:降雨レーダー, VIRS:可視赤外観測装置, TMI:マイクロ波放射計, LIS:雷観測装置)観測データに, GMS(静止気象衛星ひまわり)の短時間間隔の赤外画像や他の気象データを併用して, 九州南方海上に発現したにんじん雲の三次元構造と周囲の循環について事例解析を行った.にんじん状雲の構造は, 西に尖った角状の先端部と, 雲域が連続的に大きく広がる東部で, 大きく異なっていた.先端部では, にんじん状雲の走向にほぼ直交する縞状の雲列がみられた.各雲列の北端には背の高い対流セルがあり, そこからセルの動きに相対的な上層の風によりアンビルが広がることで雲列が作られていた.西側のセルほど新しくアンビルの伸びが少ないため, 西に尖った形状が作られていた.東部では, 背の高い積乱雲が線状に並び, この線状降水帯の南北に上層風により広がったアンビル雲がみられた.降水帯の南北で降水構造に非対称性がみられた.南側では上層で多くの降水粒子が観測されたが, 地上での降水は弱い.一方, 北側では中層から下で層状性の降水が広い範囲で活発であった.A carrot-shaped(or tapering)cloud system developed to the south of Kyushu Island was studied using TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)multi-sensor observations by PR(Precipitation Radar), VIRS(Visible and Infrared Scanner), TMI(TRMM Microwave Image), and LIS(Lightning Imaging Sensor). We also utilized GMS(Geostationary Meteorological Satellite)frequent IR observations and other meteorogical data. Structure of the cloud system was quite different between the tip portion sharpened in the west and the eastern portion where the upper-level cloud canopy extended continuously. In the tip portion, banded cloud streaks extended almost perpendicular to the axis of the carrot-shaped cloud system. Each cloud streak was an anvil extended from a deep convective cell located at the northern end of the streak. The anvils elongated along relative upper-level wind to the cell motion. Since the extension of anvils was smaller for the newer cells existed near the western tip, tapering shape of the cloud system was maintained. In the eastern part of the cloud system, a strong precipitation line composed of deep convective cells appeared and upper-level anvil clouds widely spread to the both sides of the line. In the southern side of the line, the anvil clouds contained much precipitation-size ice particles, and surface rain was scare due to evaporation of particles under the cloud base, except several sporadic convective rainfalls. In the northern side of the line, fairly strong stratiform rain was found over a wide area below the midtroposphere.


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こんな論文どうですか? TRMMの多重センサー観測データによる九州南方海上に発現したにんじん状雲の解析(石塚 昌範ほか),2001 https://t.co/ujo3xKkWus

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