竹内 聡 早野 順一郎 堀 礼子 向井 誠時 藤浪 隆夫
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.33, no.8, pp.691-695, 1993

Eating disorders are multidimensional disease, but recent increase of the disease is mainly explained by the effect of socio-cultural pressure for thinness. We suggested in a previous study of junior-high-school students that they are strongly affected by the socio-cultural pressure. Mass media is one of the most effective factors to spread the pressure. It is possible that the thin standards in female to be emphasized by mass media stimulate female to diet. However, no studies have ever tried to investigate the relationship between ideal body image of pubertal female and body size of models to be informed by mass media. Then we investigated real body weight, desirable body weight and appropriate body weight of 687 students (347 male, 340 female) in a public junior-high-school and compared three body weights with so-called standard body weight ((height-100)xO.9), and cosmetic body weight (height-110). In addition to these, in female three body weights were compared with idol talent's body weight (n=109) which was printed in student-oriented entertainment magazines. The purpose of this paper is to identify what weight they think is standard and ideal, and how different body weight image is between males and females. There was no difference between actual, appropriate and desirable body weight in male students. In female students, there was no difference between actual and appropriate body weight, but desirable body weight was lower than actual and appropriate body weight and was inclined toward idol talent's body weight. Neither the so-called standard body weight nor the cosmetic body weight was similar to appropriate body weight in either sexes. We may, therefore, reasonably conclude that only female students have much difference between actual and ideal body weight images and that information from mass media affects their ideal image. This may be related to the fact that many eating disorders are found in females but rare in males. As a countermeasure of recent increase of eating disorders, we consider that it is insufficient to treat them with individual psychopathology and that it is necessary to discuss socio-cultural problems.


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こんな論文どうですか? 中学生の体重イメージ : マスメディアの影響(竹内 聡ほか),1993 https://t.co/i84XCaPVQF Eating disorders are …

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