小嶋 雅代 酒々井 眞澄 鈴木 匡 坡下 真大 早野 順一郎 村上 里奈 山本 美由紀 浅井 清文 浅井 大策 石川 大貴 木村 侑樹 明石 惠子 赤津 裕康 大原 弘隆 川出 義浩 木村 和哲
医学教育 (ISSN:03869644)
vol.48, no.4, pp.221-235, 2019

<p>背景 : 医療系学生による高齢者家庭訪問実習の初年度の教育効果の検証.</p><p>方法 : 実習に参加した医学部3年生5名, 高齢者5名によるフォーカスグループインタビューを基に自記式調査用紙を作成し, 医学部3年生, 高齢者の全参加者に調査協力を依頼した.</p><p>結果 : 学生84人と高齢者30人が協力に同意した. 学生の74%が「高齢者の暮らしぶりが分かった」と回答し, 高齢者の57%が「良い変化があった」と回答した. 93%の高齢者が本実習に満足だったのに対し, 学生の肯定的な意見は半数であった.</p><p>考察 : 学生が本実習に積極的に取り組むためには, 各自が明確な訪問への目的意識を持てるよう, 入念な事前準備の必要性が示された.</p>
早野 順一郎 山田 眞己 藤浪 隆夫 横山 清子 渡辺 與作 高田 和之
一般社団法人 日本生物物理学会
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.28, no.4, pp.198-202, 1988-07-25 (Released:2009-05-25)
9 11

Method for spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV), and physiological characteristics of their spectral components are discussed. Respiratory component has a liner relationship with cardiac parasympathetic activity. Other component ranging around 0.1Hz is related to Mayer wave of arterial blood pressure. They provide a quantitative index of autonomic nervous function.
早野 順一郎 山田 眞己 藤浪 隆夫 横山 清子 渡辺 與作 高田 和之
The Biophysical Society of Japan General Incorporated Association
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.28, no.4, pp.198-202, 1988
41 11

Method for spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV), and physiological characteristics of their spectral components are discussed. Respiratory component has a liner relationship with cardiac parasympathetic activity. Other component ranging around 0.1Hz is related to Mayer wave of arterial blood pressure. They provide a quantitative index of autonomic nervous function.
竹内 聡 早野 順一郎 堀 礼子 向井 誠時
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.33, no.8, pp.697-703, 1993-12-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

Social pressure for thinness has been emphasized as a cause of recent increase in the prevalence of eating disorders. We have previously found that female junior-high-school students are strongly possessed with their body weight (BW) and body physique and that their self-esteem is associated with their body image. However, only a little fraction of people actually suffer from eating disorders, indicating that individual differences in the reactivity to the social pressure are also important in the etiology of the disease. This study aimed to examine the hypothesis that the BW over'estimation is associated with low self-esteem independently of actual BW in adolescent females. We performed a questionnaire survey on the relationship between self-esteem and body image in 714 students (361 male, 353 female) in an urban coeducational public junior-high-school. The self-esteem was evaluated by means of Kajita's self-esteem scale. The body image was evaluated from the relationship between obesity index and an adjective expression of physique (fat, average, lean) selected by subjects. Based on the relationship between obesity index and adjective expression of physique, subjects were divided into three groups as follow : "over-estimators" were as- signed when "fat" was selected by subjects with an obesity index of < 0% and when "average" was selected by those with an obesity index of < -20% ; in the opposite cases assigned were "under-estimators"; and otherwise "approximate-estimators" were assigned. Additionally, the subjects in "appropriate-estimator" with an obesity index of < 0% were specially defined as "nonover-estimators". Cluster analysis performed on the responses to 23 items of the self-esteem scale showed that the items could be divided into three categories, which were respectively named "self-acceptance", "superiority", and "defense". The appropriate-estimators were 94.7 and 87.8% of male and fe-male students, respectively, whereas the under-estimators were 3.5 and O% and the over-estimators were 1.8 and 12.2%, respectively (p < 0.001). The frequency of over-estimator increased with advancing school grade in the female students (7.l%, 9.6%, and 19.0% for 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd grade ; p < 0.018), but no significant difference was found in the male students. Analysis focused on the differences between the over- and non-over-estimators in the female subjects revealed that the over-estimators was lower in the self-acceptance score than the non-over-estimators (p=0.022), although no differences was found in the superiority or defense scores. Stepwise discriminant analysis revealed that self-acceptance was a significant discriminator between the two groups even when obesity index and school grade were forced to enter (p < 0.001). These results not only confirm our previous finding that female students desire their BW Iower than medically ideal / BW but also support the hypothesis that low self-acceptance may impair the acceptance of bodyimage and result in the over-estimation of BW in adolescent females.
吉田 豊 湯田 恵美 早野 順一郎
研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI) (ISSN:21888698)
vol.2020-UBI-65, no.1, pp.1-3, 2020-02-24

ライフログを用いて 30 日間の日常生活で得られた行動と情動の共起性を共起ネットワークで可視化した.座位と睡眠の行動はリラックス,落ち着き,たるみといった身体を休息するような情動と共起性があった. スマホ,歩行,食事は気楽,幸福,満足,喜びなどの positive な情動と共起性があった.negative な情動は negative 同士で繋がっており,negative の連鎖が見られた.
向井 誠時 早野 順一郎
Japanese Heart Rhythm Society
心電図 (ISSN:02851660)
vol.16, no.3, pp.217-224, 1996-05-31 (Released:2010-09-09)
1 1

心拍変動解析の標準化のための基礎データとして, 心拍変動解析時の種々の要因が解析結果に与える影響を調べ, 次のことを明らかにした. (1) 不整脈処理時に行うデータ欠損部の補間処理はLF成分振幅の過大評価と, HF成分振幅成分の過少評価の原因となる. (2) 自己回帰スペクトル分析の次数を変化させたところ, LF成分, HF成分の振幅はともに16次以上で一定となる. (3) 呼吸周波数の減少は心拍数の変化を伴わずにHF成分の振幅を増加させることから, HF成分振幅は心臓迷走神経活動レベルとは独立に呼吸周波数の影響を受ける. (3) 心拍数が変化する時, R-R間隔による心拍変動の増減と瞬時心拍数による心拍変動の増減と一致しないことがある. (5) complex demodulation法は心臓自律神経活動の経時的変化の分析に適する.
竹内 聡 早野 順一郎 堀 礼子 向井 誠時 藤浪 隆夫
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.33, no.8, pp.691-695, 1993

Eating disorders are multidimensional disease, but recent increase of the disease is mainly explained by the effect of socio-cultural pressure for thinness. We suggested in a previous study of junior-high-school students that they are strongly affected by the socio-cultural pressure. Mass media is one of the most effective factors to spread the pressure. It is possible that the thin standards in female to be emphasized by mass media stimulate female to diet. However, no studies have ever tried to investigate the relationship between ideal body image of pubertal female and body size of models to be informed by mass media. Then we investigated real body weight, desirable body weight and appropriate body weight of 687 students (347 male, 340 female) in a public junior-high-school and compared three body weights with so-called standard body weight ((height-100)xO.9), and cosmetic body weight (height-110). In addition to these, in female three body weights were compared with idol talent's body weight (n=109) which was printed in student-oriented entertainment magazines. The purpose of this paper is to identify what weight they think is standard and ideal, and how different body weight image is between males and females. There was no difference between actual, appropriate and desirable body weight in male students. In female students, there was no difference between actual and appropriate body weight, but desirable body weight was lower than actual and appropriate body weight and was inclined toward idol talent's body weight. Neither the so-called standard body weight nor the cosmetic body weight was similar to appropriate body weight in either sexes. We may, therefore, reasonably conclude that only female students have much difference between actual and ideal body weight images and that information from mass media affects their ideal image. This may be related to the fact that many eating disorders are found in females but rare in males. As a countermeasure of recent increase of eating disorders, we consider that it is insufficient to treat them with individual psychopathology and that it is necessary to discuss socio-cultural problems.
林野 泰明 福原 俊一 野口 善令 松井 邦彦 John W Peabody 岡村 真太郎 島田 利彦 宮下 淳 小崎 真規子 有村 保次 福本 陽平 早野 順一郎 井野 晶夫 石丸 裕康 福井 博 相馬 正義 竹内 靖博 渋谷 克彦
公益財団法人 天理よろづ相談所 医学研究所
天理医学紀要 (ISSN:13441817)
vol.15, no.1, pp.25-33, 2012-12-25 (Released:2013-02-26)

本研究の目的は,2004年の卒後医学教育改革前後の医療の質を比較することである.日本の8つの臨床研修指定病院において研修中の医師が本研究に参加した.参加した医師は,外来において頻度の高い疾患(糖尿病, 慢性閉塞性肺疾患,心血管疾患,うつ病)についての臨床シナリオに回答した.回答をエビデンスに基づいた診療の質の基準に照らしあわせて採点し,正答率スコアを算出した.ローテート研修が導入された前後でスコアの変化が生じたかを検証するために,2003年の参加者のスコアと,2008年の参加者のスコアを比較した.2003年では,141名(70.1%)が,2008 年には237名(72.3%)が参加に同意した.交絡因子を調整後も,両年の間にスコアの違いを認めなかった(2003 年からのスコアの変化 = 1.9%. 95% CI -1.8 to 5.8%).教育改革前の研修プログラムがストレート研修の施設ではスコアが 3.1% 改善しており,改革前にローテート研修を採用していた施設の改善度1.4% と比較して有意に高値であった.全般的には,2004 年の医学教育改革前後において,研修医の医療の質は変化していなかった.