橋本 圭司 大橋 正洋 渡邊 修 宮野 佐年
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.39, no.5, pp.253-256, 2002-05-18

A thirty-seven-year-old man with cognitive, emotional and behavioral dysfunction due to anoxic encephalopathy after a myocardial attack was admitted to nor hospital. The purpose of thin hospitalization wan to evaluate bin impairment and to help bin family to care him at home. Din brain dynfunction wan no nevere that he could not participate in the ordinary rehabilitation program. Bemoan of hin condition, nor rehabilitation team and hin wife communicated closely to obtain mutual agreement shoot the way to deal with his difficult behavioral problems. The therapists treated him with whatever the way that can bring up patient's better responses. As a result of such transdinciplinary team (TDT) approach for about five months, he became to show less problematic behaviors and to be able to live with bin family at home. The TDT approach is reported to be effective to those who have cognitive and behavioral problems such as this patient.


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