星野 公夫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.42, no.4, pp.205-214, 1997-11-10

Psychological factors cannot be the sole determinants of good performance in sports, since motor performance of athletes is actualized through their bodily movements. Similarly, physical factors alone cannot meet all the requirements of good performance, since bodily movement ususually initiated and executed by an athlete's will. Therefore, athletes must solve the dual tasks of mind and body when attempting to improve their own motor skills and demonstrate their own motor abilities. Accordingly, DOUSA-HOU would be useful as a basis for the training of athletes. The purpose of DOUSA-HOU is to improve one's capability of controlling DOUSA, and thus to improve the way of experience. In this review, the aims and theory of DOUSA-HOU are outlined, and the possibility of applying DOUSA-HOU to athletes is discussed with reference to several examples. It is concluded that DOUSA-HOU is effective for improvement of both motor control and psychological modification in athletes. In addition, this review shows that the method is useful for both the mental and physical health of non-athletes, since the psychological condition is modified by changes of the way of DOUSA experience by improving the ability of JIKO control of DOUSA.


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