高橋 豪仁
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.2, pp.139-150, 2006-03

Mass audiences can now commonly congregate in stadiums due to factors such as advanced transport, increased leisure time, and the growth of the mass media, which has improved spectator sports to create a vibrant and exciting atmosphere produced by the cheering of large numbers of fans who wish to watch players performing. Cheering is a critical component of spectator sports culture. In Japanese professional baseball there are private fan clubs that are central for the generation of cheering within the stadium during the game. The present study focused on the subculture of professional baseball fan clubs that are organized voluntarily by mass sports fans. This paper not only deals with the pattern of action and the value standards peculiar to such fan clubs, but also clarifies the dominant/parent culture that is central to the subculture, and how the subculture is created by adopting the dominant/parent culture through negotiation or conflict between members or groups based on the power resource of the subculture typical to their own. The data were collected through participant observation of private fan clubs of the Hiroshima Carp. It is inferred from descriptions about conflict and power relationships among the members or groups that the social resources are demo-commitment in the stadium and closeness with the baseball team and players, and that "flagwaving" and "leading", which are the typical forms of cheering behavior in stadiums, serve a ritualistic function of symbolizing the social power of the fan clubs. Furthermore, bureaucracy and yakuza's quasi-family institution are adopted into these distinctive patterns of action and value standards. The former is a dominant culture taken from the mainstream of modern society, and the latter is a parent culture located at a lower level of society. Multiple strata are evident in the subculture of fan clubs. This does not simply mean that the fan clubs have the characteristics of bureaucracy and yakuza's quasi-family institution, but illustrates that the subculture of private fan clubs is created by domesticating bureaucracy and the quasi-family institution to their own values standard and pattern of act about cheering.
三浦 健 図子 浩二 鈴木 章介 松田 三笠 清水 信行
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.47, no.2, pp.141-154, 2002-03-10

本研究では,もらったパスをできるだけ短時間に反動的に出すチェストパス能力を高めるトレーニング手段を明らかにするために,大学男子バスケットボール選手25名を対象にして,胸部上に落下したボールを受け止め即座に投げ上げる反動付きチェストパス(RCP)と反動を伴わないチェストパス(PCP)を,4種類の重さのボールで実施させ,その際の接手時間(RCPtc)と投げ上げ高(RCPh,PCPh)について検討した.さらに,このチェストパス能力とベンチプレスにおける最大挙上重量(BPmax)との関係についても検討した.本研究の結果は次の通りである.(1)バスケットボール(0.6kg)・1kg・3kg・5kgとボールの重量が重くなるほど,RCPhおよびPCPhは,いずれも有意に低くなる傾向が認められた.一方,RCPtcは有意に長くなる傾向が認められた.(2)RCPhとRCPtcの関係は,いずれのボール重量においても,有意な相関関係は認められなかった.これらのことは,短時間に投げる能力と大きな仕事をして高いボール速度を獲得する能力は独立した二つの能力であることを示すものである.(3)この二つの要因(RCPhとRCPtc)からみたポジションの特性について検討すると,ガードポジションの選手(Guard Player)が他の選手(Non Guard Player)に比較して,RCPhに有意な差はないが,RCPtcは有意に短いことが認められた.これらのことは,Guard Playerは,上肢におけるバリスティックなパワーが高く,短時間にパスを遂行する能力に優れていることを示すものである.(4)RCPにおいては,RCPhとRCPtcのいずれにおいても,バスケットボールを用いた場合と,1kg・3kg・5kgのボールを用いた場合との間のいずれにおいても有意な相関関係が認められた.しかし,上肢の筋力を評価するBPmaxとの間には,いずれにおいても有意な相関関係は認められなかった.これらのことは,バスケットボールにおけるチェストパス能力を高めるためには,1kg・3kg・5kgのボールを用いたトレーニング手段が,ベンチプレスなどの手段よりも直接的には効果のある可能性を示すものである.これらの結果は,バスケットボール選手のためのチェストパス能力を高めるためのトレーニング法を考える場合に有益であるとともに,上肢のプライオメトリックスに関する原則を考える場合の一助になると思われる.
加藤 謙一 宮丸 凱史 松元 剛
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.46, no.2, pp.179-194, 2001-03-10

A study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of sprint motion in top-ranking elementary school sprinters. The subjects were 10 first-class elementary school sprinters (sprinter group), and 31 standard elementary school children (control group), all aged 12 years. Measurements were performed for sprint speed, step frequency, step length, and sprint motion in terms of angular kinematics for both groups. In addition, the isokinetic peak torques at 60 and 180 deg/s were analyzed. The results obtained were as follows: The mean values of body height and mass were larger for the sprinter group than for the control group. Isokinetic peak torques during knee extension and flexion (angular velocity; 60, 180deg/s) were greater for the sprinter group than for the control group. The sprint speed, step length, and step frequency of the sprinter group were significantly greater than those of the control group. On the other hand, the support time of the sprinter group was significantly shorter than that of the control group. The relationship between sprint speed and sprint motion in the sprinter group was as follows: The maximal thigh lift angle (θT) showed a negative correlation (r = - 0.369) with sprint speed, and the ankle joint angle at the moment of foot contact (θA-on; r = - 0.619) and the minimal angle of the ankle joint during the foot contact phase (θA-min; r = - 0.372) showed a negative correlation with sprint speed. However, the maximal extension velocity of the ankle joint (ωA) showed a positive correlation (r = 0.326) with sprint speed. Although sprint motion in the sprinter group showed specific features, the correlation between sprint speed and sprint motion was not significant in either group. In particular, positively and negativity were contrary in the relation between θA-on, θA-min and ωA and sprint speed in the sprinter group, compared with the correlations in adult sprinters. The relationship between sprint speed and sprint motion showed that sprint motion in the sprinter group was not always similar to that in adult sprinters.
和田 哲也 友添 秀則
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.38, no.5, pp.337-348, 1994-01-01

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the activity of kenjyutsu, the traditional physical culture in Japan, practiced as a match or sport in the latter period of Edo era. The object of this study was Sekiguchi-school of Takeda family that was transmitted in the Yoshino River area in the province of Awa (Tokushima prefecture) . The authors investigated the actual condition and character of kenjyutsu in those days using the historical materials of "nogeiko" (the outdoor meet of kenjyutsu) of the school. The findings of this study were summarized as follows : 1) The "taryu-jiai", in which kenjyutsu had come to be practiced as a match in the latter period of Edo era, was carried mainly by the common people rather than the people in the class of samurai and was activated all over the country. 2) "Nogeiko" of Sekiguchi-school of Takeda family was intended to open to the public from the beginning, and it was planned elaborately and practiced systematically. Almost all of the matches in the "nogeiko" were practiced by one person against one, though these were practiced with some formations supposing an actual battle, and there were "metsuke"(referee) who judged victory or defeat. 3) These matches were practiced under the free and large-hearted atmosphere beeing unbound to the ethical idea of Confucianism, and this "nogeiko" had a character of an amusement or pleasure of the common people. 4) This case means that kenjyutsu was practiced as an activity of a match or sport, whose style agreed with several melkmarls pointed by Guttmann, in the province far from the governmental center of this country. This is assumed not to be particular in the area of Tokushima prefecture but to be general in the localities of this country in those days. 5) Practice of kenjyutsu as a match or sport like this and accumulation of the experience,which became a basic condition to accept modern sports since Meiji era in japan, seems to make the rapid diffusion of it easily.