壁井 信之 小須田 昌之 鏡淵 英紀 田代 良一 水野 均 植田 康弘 土屋 喜一
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.62, no.604, pp.4624-4629, 1996-12-25

Our aim is to develop a microactuator to be used for endoscopic surgery. The purpose of this study was to construct cylinder-piston-type microactuators that are actuated by thermal expansion of paraffin. We use a paraffin as the material for expansion because paraffin has a large coefficient of expansion in the temperature range of 35 to 45 degrees of centigrade. For smooth actuation of the piston, we must prevent the paraffin from sticking on to the inside surface of the cylinder. Thus the paraffin is enclosed in a silastic tube. The cavity between the cylinder and the tube is filled with silicone oil for lubrication and prevention of expansion loss. The outer diameter of the actuator is 2.5mm and its length is 130mm. The actuator can generate a stroke of 8mm against a load of 1kg.


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メモ:CiNii 論文 -  パラフィンを用いた熱膨張形マイクロアクチュエータ : 直動形アクチュエータの試作と基本性能の検討 http://t.co/LATCQwLy6M

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