中田 毅 曹 東輝 謝 啓裕 山内 洋 山内 隆
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.57, no.542, pp.3228-3233, 1991-10-25

This paper deals with a new concept of an optical servo system and an experimental analysis on photostrictive ceramics for use as an optical actuator in the servo system. The optical servo system proposed here may be characterized by the introduction of an opto-hydraulic control valve into the system. The opto-hydraulic control valve can be operated by an optical actuator which is directly dirven by light irradiation. The photostrictive effect in PLZT ceramics, which is produced from the superposition of the photovoltaic effect due to light irradiation and the piezoelectric effect, is evaluated experimentally from the viewpoint of the applicability to a servo actuator. Experimental results show that the PLZT (3/52/48) ceramics produce a strain as large as conventional PZT ceramics, but that they have a very slow dynamic response of about 100 sec. The slow dynamic response is due to the time lag in the photovoltaic effect.


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こんな論文どうですか? 光サーボシステムの基礎的研究 : 光アクチュエータへの寄与(中田毅ほか),1991 http://id.CiNii.jp/KCbFL

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