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はてなブックマーク (1 users, 2 posts)
松本尚之, 山本靖人, 西田迪雄This paper describes numerical results of a thermal and chemical nonequilibrium plume of high-temperature air. The gas is expanded from an orifice into low-density stationary air as a free jet. 日本機械学會論文集. B編 62(600), 3058-3063, 1996-08-25
松本尚之, 山本靖人, 西田迪雄This paper describes numerical results of a thermal and chemical nonequilibrium plume of high-temperature air. The gas is expanded from an orifice into low-density stationary air as a free jet. 日本機械学會論文集. B編 62(600), 3058-3063, 1996-08-25
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