大澤 正義
日本循環器學誌 (ISSN:00471828)
vol.23, no.8, pp.1183-1192, 1959-11-20

In preceding report III, the histological results of the Sino-Tawara system were reported as a few specific systems. In this report, the functions of these systems were confirmed physiologically by means of cutting and ligating examinations of these systems. These physiological results were reported by Tateishi. The author carried out the histological aspects in relation between the cut or ligated parts and specific pathways on 18 dogs.The summary of this study are as follows.1) In 9 cases, that confirmed the complete cut of the Systema septo-angularis anterior by histological examinations, the PQ intervals were prolonged prominently. And in some cases that were cut but a small part of this system, the PQ intervals were prolonged in near proportion to the cut extent. From these results, it could be supposed certainly that this system was a main pathway as the Sino-Tawara system.2) In 10 cases, that comfirmed the complete cut of the Systema septo-angularis posterior by histological examinations, the P Q intervals reduced rather than the former or prolonged a little. These results were not agreeable with the author's and past investigators' histological observations. The author asserted the opinions of Robb, Kaylor & Turman in relation between the specific muscular fibers and its function.3) The cut method of the Systema dextroatrii caudalis was difficult technically because it was along the Arteriola sini. But from the facts that the PQ intervals were prolonged by the cut of the right atrial bundle, it could be supported that this system had the function as the Sino-Tawara system.4) In 5 cases, that comfirmed the complete cut of the right atrial bundle, the PQ intervals were prolonged prominently. From these facts, it could be supposed that this bundle was very important as the final pathway connected with the Tawara node.5) In 2 cases cut one-third of the Tawara node, the PQ interval was prolonged prominently. But in this cut extent, the A-V blocks were not observed. The author discussed as to the relationship between its functioin and histological structure.6) The atrial parts, in which were not observed the specific muscular fibers as the Sino-Tawara system by histological examinations, were performed by the cut examinations. From these results, these cut parts were not recognized functionally as the significance as the Sino-Tawara conducting pathways. Particularly, in the Torus Loweri, the author did not observe the important value as the Sino-Tawara system by histological and physiological examinations.


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こんな論文どうですか? 犬心房内刺戟傅導系の組織學的研究(第5報) : 靜脈洞結節-田原氏結節間の特殊心筋系切斷實驗の切斷部位の組織學的所見(大澤 正義),1959 https://t.co/My7Qqp6leW

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