Management of Elevated Cholesterol in the Primary Prevention Group of Adult Japanese (MEGA) Study Group
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society (ISSN:13469843)
vol.68, no.9, pp.860-867, 2004-08-20
9 49

Background Although cholesterol management reportedly reduces fatal and non-fatal coronary heart disease (CHD) events in subjects with or without evident atherosclerotic disease, it is still uncertain whether these benefits extend to Japanese. Methods and Results The study group comprised 8,009 subjects with mildly elevated total cholesterol who were randomized to treatment with 10-20 mg pravastatin plus diet (2,691 women, 1,267 men) or diet alone (2,758 women, 1,293 men). The groups were extremely well balanced with respect to baseline demographics and risk factors such as blood pressure and plasma lipids. Over a 5-year period of follow-up, the primary end-points will be a composite of fatal and non-fatal coronary events. Secondary end-points will include stroke and transient ischemic attack, all cardiovascular events and total mortality. Conclusions The 2 groups will be followed up until the end of March 2004 and end-points will be analyzed by full analysis set. (Circ J 2004 ; 68 : 860-867)
Japanese circulation journal (ISSN:00471828)
vol.27, no.3, pp.282-293, 1963-03-20

A male rat with spontaneously high systolic blood pressures of 150 to 175 mmHg persisting for more than one month and a female rat with blood pressures slighty above the average, 130 to 140 mmHg, were selected from among 68 Wistar strain rats in normal condition and mated to obtain F_1 rats. Of these F_1 rats, males and females with hypertension (blood pressure exceeding 150 mmHg) persisting for more than a month (mostly over 2 months) were mated to produce F_2 rats. The procedure was repeated to obtain F_3, F_4, F_5 and F_6 rats totaliag 380 animals. The weights and blood pressures (by the tail-water-plethysmographic method) were measured once weekly biginning at 4 weeks of age, and the results can be summarized as follows : 1. In body weight, the F rats showed little difference from the normal controls. 2. The blood pressures of F rats rose with age and from generation to generation, increasing significantly above those of normotensive controls of the same age after 20 weeks of age among female F_1, after 15 weeks among male F_1 and also male and female F_2, and after 10 weeks among all F_3 to F_6 rats. E. g., the average systolic blood pressure of F_5 at 25 weeks of age was 206+__-18.5 mmHg in the male and 193+__-20.5 mmHg in female rats. The blood pressures of normotensive controls remained at 131 to 136 mmHg in the male and 130 to 135 mmHg in female rats after 10 weeks of age. 3. Many F rats showed spontaneous hypertension. The incidence of the spontaneous occurrence of hypertension increased, and the development of hypertension occurred at younger ages from generation to generation. All of the F_3 to F_6, rats developed spontaneous hypertension within 15 weeks of age. Severe hypertension with blood pressures exceeding 200 mmHg began to observed among F_2. The incidence of such severe hypertension increased with each generation, so that among male animals it inceased from only 9% in F_2 to 35% in F_3, 42% in F_4, and 56% in F_5, and in female animals from 3% in F_2, 16% in F_3, 33% in F_4, and 37% in F_5. The authors have named this Wistar strain of rats with spontaneous occurrence of hypertension as "spontaneously hypertensive rats (Okamoto-Aoki)". 4. The blood pressures of β-line rats from parents with very high blood pressures were significantly higher than among α-line rats from parents with moderately high blood pressures at the same age. 5. There was no difference in the blood pressures of offsprings resulting from inbreeding and those from cross breeding. The male blood pressure averaged about 10.6 mmHg above the female value in spontaneous hypertension, and hypertension developed at lower ages in the male. 6. It is a question for future study whether the spontaneous hypertension induced in rats in this Study is comparable in characteristics with essential hypertension in man.
Japanese circulation journal (ISSN:00471828)
vol.46, no.1, pp.113-123, 1982-01-20

We studied the effect of the pericardium on the end-diastolic pressure-segment length (P-L) relation in volume loading (Experiment I) and in acute ischemia (Experiment II). Experiment I: In 6 open chest dogs, segment length of left and right ventricles were measured using ultrasonic crystals during blood infusion. Drawing end-diastolic pressure (P, on ordinate) against segment length (L, on abscissa), the P-L curve with pericardium positioned upward compared to that without pericardium. The slopes (b) of the exponential curve (P = ae^<bL>) with pericardium were steeper than those without pericardium in both ventricles. The difference between the slopes with and without pericardium was significantly larger in the right ventricle (RV, 0.30 ± 0. 10, mean ± SEM) than in the left ventricle (LV, 0.05 ± 0.02, p < 0.05). These results show that the pericardium inhibits the distensibility of the free wall more in RV than in LV, and enhances a mechanical coupling of both ventricles during volume overload. Experiment II: In 8 open chest dogs, segment lengths of ischemic and non-ischemic regions in LV were measured after left circumflex coronary occlusion. When the segment lengths and LV pressure became stable, a pericardiectomy was performed. After the pericardiectomy, whereas heart rate and LV systolic pressure did not change, end-diastolic segment length in the ischemic region further lengthened (12.0 0.2 to 12.5 0.2 mm, p < 0.01) and that in the non-ischemic region did not change despite the concomitant fall in LV end-diastolic pressure (EDP, 11.9 0.6 to 9.8 0.6 mmHg, p < 0.01). These results suggest that the pericardium alters the LV end-diastolic pressure-volume relation and is one of the factors contributing to an increase in LVEDP during acute ischemia.
Sasaki Takeshi Niwano Shinichi Sasaki Sae Imaki Ryuta Yuge Masaru Hirasawa Shoji Satoh Daisuke Moriguchi Masahiko Fujiki Akira Izumi Tohru
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.70, no.2, pp.169-173, 2006-01-20
2 13 19

Background Little is known about the shortening of atrial refractoriness as a result of electrical remodeling in atrial fibrillation (AF) in clinical cases, especially in terms of long-term follow-up, because of a lack of noninvasive testing methods. Methods and Results The present study population comprised 38 consecutive patients with persistent AF (PAF, >1 month). Before and after the follow-up period of 1-14 months, surface ECGs were recorded for analysis. In each case, the fibrillation wave was purified by subtracting the QRS-T complex template and then power spectral analysis was performed. The mean fibrillation cycle length (FCL) and FCL coefficient of variation (FCL-CV) were determined from peak power frequency in 20 epochs in each recording. The change in FCL (ΔFCL) was calculated by subtracting the baseline FCL from the FCL after the follow-up period. To correct for the difference in the follow-up period, ΔFCL was divided by the follow-up period in each case. In 38 cases, mean FCL decreased from 160±20ms to 151±19ms (p<0.05), and the FCL-CV also decreased from 15±9% to 12±5% (p<0.05). The corrected ΔFCL was -2.4±7.6 (ms/month) and there was a significant negative correlation between corrected ΔFCL and baseline FCL (p<0.01). Conclusion Shortening of the FCL during a relatively long-term follow-up period was observed in patients with PAF.