北田 茂
日本循環器學誌 (ISSN:00471828)
vol.23, no.5, pp.609-618, 1959

By the use of ballistocardiograph of modified von Wittern's table which has natural frequency of 0.6 cps. and is capable of taking simultaneous two directional records, longitudinal and lateral or sagital records were taken on 6 cases with pulmonary stenosis, 6 cases with patent ductus arteriousus, 11 cases with atrial septal defect, 8 cases with ventricular septal defect and 5 cases with coarctation of the aorta, and these records were analysed from the view points of hemodynamics studied by right heart catheterization. Thus the following results were gained.1. Pulmonary stenosis : Longitudinal IJ<SUB>M</SUB> showed a tendency to be decreased but Ra and IK/IJ ratio had a tendency to be decreased. In cases with elevated right ventricular pressure, as compared to those of low right ventricular pressure, the ratio of amplitude of lateral and sagital systolic wave complex to that of longitudinal IJ<SUB>M</SUB> tended to be increased. There was also a tendency for R-I interval to be shortened and for R-J interval to be prolonged.2. Patent ductus arteriosus : Longitudinal IJ<SUB>M</SUB>, Ra and JK/IJ ratio showed a tendency to be increased and HI/IJ ratio tended to be decreased. In cases with great shunt flow (shunt rate of more than 50%) and elevated pulmonary arterial pressure, lateral and sagital systolic wave complex showed a marked increase in the amplitude. R-J and R-K interval ahd a tendency to be shortened. On the other hand, they were prolonged in two post-oprative cases.3. Atrial septal defect : Longitudinal IJ<SUB>M</SUB> and Ra showed a tendency to be decreased. In cases with high shunt rate and elevated right ventricular pressure, lateral and sagital systolic wave complex showed a increased amplitude. R-I and R-J interval tended to be shortened.4. Ventricular septal defect : Longitudinal IJ<SUB>M</SUB> and Ra showed a tendency to be decreased. In cases with high shunt rate, there was an increase in amplitude of lateral and/or sagital systolic wave complex. The increase in the amplitude was slight in cases with right to left shunt.5. Coarctation of the aorta : Longitudinal IJ<SUB>M</SUB> and HI/IJ ratio tended to be increased and in all cases JK/IJ ratio showed a marked decrease.6. In deseases with left to right shunt flow (patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect), there was a positive correlation between shunt rate and the ratio of resultant force vector of lateral and sagital component to longitudinal force vector.
大野 猛
日本循環器學誌 (ISSN:00471828)
vol.23, no.1, pp.51-64, 1959-04-20 (Released:2008-04-14)

In the Part I. I have reported that there were observed the respiratory changes i.e. tachynea and labored respioration in rabbits, into which cervical subarachnoid space almina-cream were injected, but its pathogenesis has been difinitely unknown.Now in this study I examined the respiratory responses upon the electrical stimulation of spinal cord at the cervical (C. 3-4) or thoracic (D. 1-5), adding some spinal transection or vagal section. Electrical stimuli were given in the form of thyratron discharges (50 cps) or an alternating commercial current (60 cps). Their output voltage was between 1.5 V. and 10 V.Results obtained are as follows.1. Electrical stimulation at the cervical level resulted in the inspiratory, midpositional and expiratory apnea or tachypnea.2. Stimulation at the thoracic level resulted in either apnea or tachypnea, but in most cases the latter ones.3. By the additional stimulation at the thoracic level, the apneustic responses upon the stimulation at the cervical level relieved and respiratory movements reappeared.4. During the tachypnea or apnea evoked by stimuli at the cervical level (C. 3-4), electrical discharges of the external intercostal muscles increased. Such discharges suddenly initiated with the maximal intensity, continued during a long inspiratory phase and further remained for the short expiratory phase.5. When the electrical stimuli were applied in the dorsal areas of the spinal cord after section of both vagal section, the rate and the amplitude of the respiration extremely increased.6. After only one spinal segment was isolated by spinal transection, the stimulation of this segment at the ventral area resulted in apneustic responses but at the dorsal area resulted in no remarkable respiratory responses.
宮崎 學
日本循環器學誌 (ISSN:00471828)
vol.22, no.11, pp.822-831, 1959-02-20

The CERO_2,composite factor of the balance of supply and demand of oxygen in the brain, not only expresses the presence and intensity of cerebral anoxia objectively but also seems to be an important compensatory factor in the maintenance of the normal cerebral function. The circulation and metabolic function in the brain were regulated in two ways by the blood flow regulating mechanism in and outside of the brain and by the compensatory change in CERO_2 of the cerebral tissue itself. The metabolic disturbance of the brain appears to be evoked by the insufficient compensation of CERO_2. Taking into consideration that the results obtained by N_2O method which state that the decrease in cerebral metabolism of the aged people is a secondary phenomenon of the decrease in oxygen supply to the brain, mainly the decrease in CBF, it is supposed that CERO_2 in the aged people should be greater than normal young people. Usually an inverse correlation is assumed between CBF and CERO_2. As the CBF of the aged is mainly due to the asteriosclerosis of the brain, a certain kind of correlation is inferred between CERO_2 and cerebral arteriosclerosis.The present author, to study the correlation between CERO_2 and cerebral arteriosclerosis, has measured CERO_2 in healthy and anemic aged subjects, examined the clinical significance of CERO_2 by comparing to the results obtained by N_2O method, retinal findings, cerebral symptoms and autoptical findings, and obtained the following results.1. The increase in CERO_2 was observed in about 70% of healthy aged subjects. Such frequent cerebral anoxia in healthy older people suggests the possibility of cerebral anoxia and cerebral metabolic disturbance in the aged.2. The assumption that the difference in CERO_2 in healthy aged subjects in caused by the abnormality of cerebral hemodynamics (decrease in CBF and increase in CVR) was confirmed experimentally and by the results obtained by N_2O method.3. The fact that this increase in CVR reflects mainly the attitude of the sclerotic cerebral arteries was examined by the correlation between retinal findings, cerebral symptoms and CERO_2.4. From the above stated results it is inferred that CERO_2 may be applied clinically as a measure of the intensity of cerebral arteriosclerosis.5. However, when anemia, disturbance in pulmonary function, abnormality of cerebral oxygen supply due to other CBF diminishing factors than cerebral arteriosclerosis, or primary metabolic abnormality of the brain is present, some considerations to such abnormal conditions are required.6. In anemic aged people, when the abnormality of the cerebral circulation is intense, anemia acts facilitatory to cerebral anoxia.7. Therefore, in this case, it is supposed that the CBF estimated from CERO_2 takes a value lower than the actual level and that CVR and the intensity of arteriosclerosis take higher levels.8. The intensity of cerebral arteriosclerosis increased in parallel with CERO_2 in the autoptical findings and the hypertensive subjects who increased in CERO_2 has a tendency of cerebral apoplexy. From this results it is inferred that CERO_2 may be applied as a critical signal of cerebral apoplexy too.
大澤 正義
日本循環器學誌 (ISSN:00471828)
vol.23, no.8, pp.1183-1192, 1959-11-20

In preceding report III, the histological results of the Sino-Tawara system were reported as a few specific systems. In this report, the functions of these systems were confirmed physiologically by means of cutting and ligating examinations of these systems. These physiological results were reported by Tateishi. The author carried out the histological aspects in relation between the cut or ligated parts and specific pathways on 18 dogs.The summary of this study are as follows.1) In 9 cases, that confirmed the complete cut of the Systema septo-angularis anterior by histological examinations, the PQ intervals were prolonged prominently. And in some cases that were cut but a small part of this system, the PQ intervals were prolonged in near proportion to the cut extent. From these results, it could be supposed certainly that this system was a main pathway as the Sino-Tawara system.2) In 10 cases, that comfirmed the complete cut of the Systema septo-angularis posterior by histological examinations, the P Q intervals reduced rather than the former or prolonged a little. These results were not agreeable with the author's and past investigators' histological observations. The author asserted the opinions of Robb, Kaylor & Turman in relation between the specific muscular fibers and its function.3) The cut method of the Systema dextroatrii caudalis was difficult technically because it was along the Arteriola sini. But from the facts that the PQ intervals were prolonged by the cut of the right atrial bundle, it could be supported that this system had the function as the Sino-Tawara system.4) In 5 cases, that comfirmed the complete cut of the right atrial bundle, the PQ intervals were prolonged prominently. From these facts, it could be supposed that this bundle was very important as the final pathway connected with the Tawara node.5) In 2 cases cut one-third of the Tawara node, the PQ interval was prolonged prominently. But in this cut extent, the A-V blocks were not observed. The author discussed as to the relationship between its functioin and histological structure.6) The atrial parts, in which were not observed the specific muscular fibers as the Sino-Tawara system by histological examinations, were performed by the cut examinations. From these results, these cut parts were not recognized functionally as the significance as the Sino-Tawara conducting pathways. Particularly, in the Torus Loweri, the author did not observe the important value as the Sino-Tawara system by histological and physiological examinations.
唐川 正典 胡田 光信 依藤 進 井口 松三
日本循環器學誌 (ISSN:00471828)
vol.19, no.7, pp.321-325, 1955-10-20 (Released:2008-04-14)

The authors at first made formula from which assumed normal cardiac size could be calculated in reference to body-weight and length. Actual cardiac size/assumed normal cardiac size was called dilatation-gradient : actual cardiac size was measured by planimeter in its shadow in the direct postero-anterior projection of X-ray. Relatiohship between circulation time and dilatation-gradient was investigated in cases of congestive heart failure and non-congestive cardiac disease, and linear relationship was demonstrated between them. This does not mean that prolongation of real circulation time (decrease of blood velocity) is due to dilatation of heart. Because circulation-time, clinically used, shows not only the blood velocity but also the degree how much the drug injected is diluted by blood.
依藤 進
日本循環器學誌 (ISSN:00471828)
vol.22, no.6, pp.393-396, 1958-09-20

The author reported the value of stroke-volume and momentum of cardiac ejection of normal subjects obtained by ballistocardiogram, and at the same time these methods of measurement were critically examined. As ballistocardiogram showes, as previously reported, the impulse wave of circulation which is mediated by human body, the values obtained by it inevitably contain some degree of inexactness. In quantitative investigation by ballistocardiogram if we want to get the minimum error of it, it is better to use the value of momentum of cardiac ejection, where survey of the relation of it to other physiologic functions is sacrificed. In order to supplement this weak point, one needs deducing stroke-volume from ballistocardiogram, though its value is not so exact. In the latter it is advisable to investigate the relative changes in same subject.