片寄 晴弘 今井 正和 井口 征士
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.3, no.6, pp.748-754, 1988-11-20

The target in computer has been changing from the numerical forms to the symbolic forms, which we human-being are more familiar with. Recently A. I. is studied as the central technique of computer science. In the near future Artificial Sense is thought to be studied as what follows A. I. This paper describes "Listening to the music", as an approach to Artificial Sense. When we have an end to simulate human-like process, signal processing and knowledge processing have to be concatenated. In this paper, the process "Listening to the music" is considered from three major stages ; transcription, analyzing music and understanding music. In the stage of transcription, the notes are extracted as symbol from acoustic signal. In the stage of analyzing music, the structures as melody, rhythm, chord progression are analyzed from the extracted symbol of the notes. In the stage of understanding music, the sentiments are extracted by the rules which describe the relation between the sentiment and the structure extracted in analyzing stage. This paper presents how machine gets the sentiments listening to the music performance.


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片寄・今井・井口(1988) 音楽における感性情報抽出の試み, 人工知能学会誌 3(6), 748-754 https://t.co/2ybaLgf9fn #CiNii やっと見つけた.井口先生は,メロディーとコード進行↔︎人間の感性 のモデルを作るのに随分熱心でしたね

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