ティヘリノ A. ジュリ 池田 満 北橋 忠宏 溝口 理一郎
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.8, no.4, pp.476-487, 1993-07-01

The main aim of this research is to establish a sophisticated methodology for building expert systems based on shared and reusable large knowledge bases. Multis, one of the major Conponents of the methodology, performs task analysis interview and synthesizes problem solving engines for a given task. To design Multis the authors identify libraries of task ontology and reusable software artifacts for construction of knowledge-based systems and make them available for Synthesis via direct-interactive mapping to task models. This library consists of a set of highly generalized software primitives abstracted from existing knowledge-based systems. The mapping to the target task model is accomplished through an intermediate step in which task performers identify the correspondence of the software primitives to their own task ontology. The task ontology itself is created with the use of non-functional task primitives in the form of generic vocabulary, i. e. a vocabulary that is dependent on the task, but not the domain of expertise. The vocabulary combines into verb/noun phrases forming generic processes which are generalized conceptual primitives for a given task. In this paper one such library of software artifacts is presented for the task of scheduling (eg. classroom scheduling for an educational institution) along with the corresponding generic vocabulary and generic process library.


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「and インタビュー」でヒットしたのはこんな論文です!タスクオントロジーと知識再利用に基づくエキスパートシステム構築方法論 : タスク解析インタビューシステムMULTISの基本思想…(ティヘリノ A.ら) http://t.co/BST65YLERl

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