ティヘリノ A. ジュリ 池田 満 北橋 忠宏 溝口 理一郎
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.8, no.4, pp.476-487, 1993-07-01

The main aim of this research is to establish a sophisticated methodology for building expert systems based on shared and reusable large knowledge bases. Multis, one of the major Conponents of the methodology, performs task analysis interview and synthesizes problem solving engines for a given task. To design Multis the authors identify libraries of task ontology and reusable software artifacts for construction of knowledge-based systems and make them available for Synthesis via direct-interactive mapping to task models. This library consists of a set of highly generalized software primitives abstracted from existing knowledge-based systems. The mapping to the target task model is accomplished through an intermediate step in which task performers identify the correspondence of the software primitives to their own task ontology. The task ontology itself is created with the use of non-functional task primitives in the form of generic vocabulary, i. e. a vocabulary that is dependent on the task, but not the domain of expertise. The vocabulary combines into verb/noun phrases forming generic processes which are generalized conceptual primitives for a given task. In this paper one such library of software artifacts is presented for the task of scheduling (eg. classroom scheduling for an educational institution) along with the corresponding generic vocabulary and generic process library.
古崎 晃司 山縣 友紀 国府 裕子 今井 健 大江 和彦 溝口 理一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.4, pp.396-405, 2014-07-01 (Released:2014-06-18)
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Publishing open data as linked data is a significant trend in not only the Semantic Web community but also other domains such as life science, government, media, geographic research and publication. One feature of linked data is the instance-centric approach, which assumes that considerable linked instances can result in valuable knowledge. In the context of linked data, ontologies offer a common vocabulary and schema for RDF graphs. However, from an ontological engineering viewpoint, some ontologies offer systematized knowledge, developed under close cooperation between domain experts and ontology engineers. Such ontologies could be a valuable knowledge base for advanced information systems. Although ontologies in RDF formats using OWL or RDF(S) can be published as linked data, it is not always convenient to use other applications because of the complicated graph structures. Consequently, this paper discusses RDF data models for publishing ontologies as linked data. As a case study, we focus on a disease ontology in which diseases are defined as causal chains.
古崎 晃司 溝口 理一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.34, no.1, pp.C-I52_1-13, 2019-01-01 (Released:2019-01-07)

Ontological considerations about part-of relations have been extensively investigated because they are basic and important relationships for ontology building. Although there are various discussions on kinds of part-of and their ontological characteristics, there remains some room for discussing a couple of fundamental issues such as “What is a part?” and “When is a part-of relation composed?” This paper discusses ontology patterns of descriptions of part-of relationships on the basis of ontological theories in order to provide practitioners with useful guidelines for descriptions of part-of structurers. This paper focuses on ontology patterns which capture commonality and special characteristics of parts so that complicated structures of physical objects are described appropriately. We discuss four problems related to descriptions of parts. 1) interdependence between the whole and its parts, 2) kinds of parts such as components, portions and materials, 3) multiple inheritance according to substance and properties of parts, 4) the commonality and specificity of parts. To cope with these problems, this paper introduces a part representation model based on ontological theory of roles. The main idea of the part representation model is to distinguish between a part dependent on its whole and the context-independent properties of the part. The former is defined as the role-holder which plays roles and the latter is defined as the player of the role. The role defines properties of the part which is dependent on its whole. These three kinds of definitions enable to describe differences of various properties of parts according to their context dependence. We show how this model is used to describe various parts through practical examples of the anatomical structure of human body developed in the medical ontology project in Japan.
笹島 宗彦 來村徳信 長沼 武史 倉掛 正治 溝口 理一郎
vol.2007, no.68(2007-HCI-124), pp.57-64, 2007-07-07

溝口 理一郎 古崎 晃司 來村 徳信
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.58, no.5, pp.361-371, 2015-08-01 (Released:2015-08-01)

有用な情報をいかにして手に入れるかという問題は古くて新しい問題である。異分野交流の典型であるバイオミメティクスではそれが顕著に表れる。バイオミメティクスでは,生物が実現しているさまざまな機能を模倣することによって,これまでにない有用な機能を革新的な方法で実現することを目指している。しかし,生物学に不案内な工学者が生物に関する有用な情報を入手することは容易ではない。本稿では,そのような工学者を支援するための新しいシソーラスであるOntology-Enhanced Thesaurus(OET)に関する概要を解説する。OETは,オントロジーという一般的で抽象度の高い概念群を従来のシソーラスの上位に位置付けることによって,異分野間に存在するギャップを埋めることを目指している。オントロジーやシソーラスの解説も含めて,OETの構成やキーワード探索自体を支援するツールに関してわかりやすく説明する。
高藤 淳 來村 徳信 溝口 理一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.23, no.6, pp.424-436, 2008 (Released:2008-07-23)
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We propose new knowledge management system, which is based on ontology engineering and XML technology, for manufacturing field. The purpose of this system is to support to externalize implicit functional knowledge of a product that a designer creates, to share the knowledge among those who are involved in the product development, and utilize the knowledge for any designer to collaboratively create or invent new products. It is true, however, there are not a few superior design tool such as CAD/CAE software, simulation tools, etc. Though such tools are indispensable to complete a product, they are insufficient to reveal design rational of a designer that indicates the reason why he/she adopted the function, the structure, materials, etc. Ontology engineering contributes to clarify design rational of any designer by describing a function decomposition tree (hereinafter FDT), which has the specific feature of separating function and way, that is a kind of tree to show functional structure based on device ontology and functional ontology. While the functional modeling framework is independent to any data representation infrastructure, XML has a synergy with the framework because of being able to handle semantics of the framework such as subject, object, function, etc. In addition to the semantic view point, XML also has flexibility to compound a document from multiple information fragments, so that it allows FDT to adapt to any application of manufacturing tasks. From those view point, we created OntoGear which is the foundation system that supports a designer or developer to author, share, and use FDT by using xfy technology that JustSystems, Corp. has developed as an XML application development framework.
恒川 俊克 山下 洋一 溝口 理一郎
情報処理学会研究報告音声言語情報処理(SLP) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1998, no.12, pp.61-68, 1998-02-05

大量のニュース音声データベースからある特定の話題に関するニュースのみを検索しその情報を得るようにするにはニュース音声に対する話題インデキシングの技術が必要になると考えられる。そこで本研究ではニュース音声に対しキーワードスポッティングに基づいた話題のインデキシングを行う。まず話題との相互情報量、単語長を選出基準として、話題の同定に貢献する名詞3000単語をキーワードとして選出した。このキーワードの話題に関する条件付き確率を基にテキストベース上で記事ごとに話題同定の実験を行ったところ約76%の記事を正しく同定することができた。さらにニュース音声に対しスポッティングを行い、抽出されたキーワードの音韻スコアと条件付き確率を基にして話題ごとに「話題の確からしさ」の計算を行い、話題同定を行った。正しい話題が話題同定結果の上位3位以内に含まれていれば正解分類とした場合、約66.5%を正しく同定することができた。For retrieving news data related to a specific topic from a great amount of news data base, we need a technique of indexing speech data with topics. In this report, we try the topic identification for news speech based on keyword spotting. To begin with we selected three thousands of nouns as keywords which contribute to topic identification, based on criterion of mutual information and a length of word. This set of keywords identified correct topics of 76 percent of text article data from newspaper database, Further, we performed keyword spotting for TV news speech and identified a topic by computing possibilities of all topics based on phonetic scores of spotted words and topic probability of the words. Topic identification rate is 66.5 percent assuming that identification is correct if the correct topic is included in the first three places of the result of topic identification.
石田 亨 八槇 博史 溝口 理一郎 中小路 久美代 高田 司郎 中西 英之 荒井 幸代

セマンティックWebで提案されている基本技術は計算中心の技術であり,コンテンツを作成,利用するユーザ(人間側)への考察が欠けている.セマンティックWebの成功のためには,人間社会のWeb利用とセマンティックWebの計算中心のアプローチとのギャップを埋める人間中心の技術開発が必要である.このような問題意識に基づき,本研究では以下の三拠点に分かれて研究を展開した.京都大学では,厳密なオントロジーを人が記述することは容易でないとの立場から,人間が既に表現したコンテンツからオントロジーを抽出する研究を進めた.Web情報に関しては,既存データからのオントロジーの抽出に取り組み,カテゴリを特徴付けるキーワードの自動抽出や,表データからのオントロジーの抽出などを行った.また,既存オントロジーを整理して一覧とし,新しいオントロジーの設計を支援する研究を行った.大阪大学では,人間中心のセマンティックWebのためのオントロジー開発には小規模で分散したオントロジーを状況に応じてマージしたり,マッピングしたりする技術が不可欠であるとの考えから,オントロジー分散開発過程を包括的に支援する計算機環境を開発した.東京大学では,異なる「文化」に属するメンバ間の協調作業における,協調・交渉オントロジーの発現と発展に着目して研究が進められた.上記の研究と並行して,この分野を推進する活動も行った.人工知能学会にセマンティックWebとオントロジー研究会を継続的に発展させると共に,2004年にはセマンティックWeb国際会議(ISWC)をわが国で開催する中心的役割を果たした.また,2003年にElsevierから出版が始まったJournal of Web Semanticsの初代共同編集長を務めた.
笹島 宗彦 來村 徳信 長沼 武史 倉掛 正治 溝口 理一郎
知能と情報 : 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 : journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics (ISSN:13477986)
vol.20, no.2, pp.171-189, 2008-04-15
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溝口 理一郎 池田 満 來村 徳信
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能 (ISSN:21882266)
vol.14, no.6, pp.1019-1032, 1999-11-01 (Released:2020-09-29)

Building an ontology requires clear understanding of what can be concepts with what relations to other concepts. an ontology thus focuses on "objects" themselves rather than "representation" of them. However, few research have dealt with what to represent to date. Theory of content (what to represent) is badly needed. As a basis of ontological engineering, this paper presents ontological theories of semantic links such as is-a and part-of based on the set theory. Formulation of instance-of, is-a and part-of links is done based on member-of and subset-of relations sets. Concepts of relations and roles are also investigated to come up with a few guidelines of an ontology design. Although the research is not completed yet, basic design for an ontology representation language of solid foundation has been done.
福嶋 真志 來村 徳信 溝口 理一郎 山本 瀬奈 間城 絵里奈 淺野 耕太 田墨 惠子 青木 美和 中村 成美 荒尾 晴惠
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会第二種研究会資料 (ISSN:24365556)
vol.2022, no.SWO-058, pp.05, 2022-11-22 (Released:2022-12-03)

來村 徳信 中條 亘 笹嶋 宗彦 師岡 友紀 辰巳 有紀子 荒尾 晴惠 溝口 理一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.36, no.4, pp.D-K94_1-16, 2021-07-01 (Released:2021-07-01)

For appropriate execution of human actions as a service, it is important to understand goals of the actions, which are usually implicit in the sequence-oriented process representations. CHARM (an abbreviation for Convincing Human Action Rationalized Model) has been proposed for representing such goals of the actions in a goal-oriented structure. It has been successfully applied for training novice nurses in a real hospital. Such a real-scale and general knowledge model, however, makes the learners difficult to understand which actions are important in a specific context such as a patient’s risk for complications. The goal of this research is to realize a context-adaptive knowledge structuring mechanism for emphasizing such actions that need special attention in a given context. As an extension of the CHARM framework, the authors have developed a general mechanism based on multi-goal action models and pathological mechanism models of abnormal phenomena. It has been implemented as a software system on tablet devices called CHARM Pad. We have also described knowledge models for the nursing domain, which include pathological mechanism models of complications with their risk factors. CHARM Pad with these models had been used by nursing students and evaluated by them through questionnaires. The result shows that CHARM Pad helped them understand the goals of nursing actions as well as finding of symptoms of complications context-adaptively.
溝口 理一郎 芥子 育雄 磯本征雄 角所 収
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.25, no.3, pp.404-412, 1984-05-15

近年 マン・マシンインタフェースの問題が盛んに論じられている.本論文では 筆者らによって作成された音声データベース「SPEECH-DB」を例にとって実現した知的マン・マシンインタフェースについて述べている.本インタフェースは 日本語による検索要求を受けつけるJCSサブシステム エラーからの回復や利用者の疑間に答えるPSSサブシステムおよびシステム全体の制御の流れを管理するMONITORサブシステムの三つのサブシステムから成っている.知的マン・マシンインタフェースは 情報処理システムに関する専門知識を用いることにより問題解決を行って 利用者に対して知的な援助を提供するものであり ある種のエキスパートシステムとみなすことができる.そこで本インタフェースの作成においては 汎用DBMS INQとその親言語であるFORTRANによりプロタクションシステムを実現した後 それに種々の知識を埋め込むという方法を採用した.SPEECH-DBと同一のDBMS INQを用いることにより 柔軟性 拡張性に富んだシステム構成が実現されたわれわれのプロダクションシステムは 前向き推論と後向き推論の二つの推論モードとバックトラック機能をもっている.さらに 任意のFORTRANプログラムを呼ぶことができるため 既存のソフトウェアとの結合が容易であり AI的手法の現実的問題への応用に適したものとなっている.
溝口 理一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.35, no.1, pp.C-J52_1-13, 2020-01-01 (Released:2020-01-01)

From the standpoint of Applied Ontology, we have challenged the problem of causality on the premise that it is real. As a result, it was shown in the former paper the following three items: (1) causation can be mapped to function, and hence it is possible to talk about causation in terms of function, (2) Cause can be divided into four subfunctions such as Achieve, Prevent, Allow and Disallow by introducing two dimensions of direct/indirect and positive/negative, and (3) using Achieve the other three subfunctions are defined and the essence of causality lies in Achieve. However, elucidation of Achieve itself was left incomplete. In this paper, we first restructure the results obtained in the former paper and summarize it so that the results will become clearer than the original paper. Then, the nature of Achieve is revealed to give a world first solution to the problem of what causation is.
瀬田 和久 池田 満 角所 収 溝口 理一郎 Kazuhisa Seta Mitsuru Ikeda Osamu Kakusho Riichiro Mizoguchi
人工知能学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (ISSN:09128085)
vol.13, no.4, pp.597-608, 1998-07-01

Recently much attention has been paid to the notion of "ontology" in the expectation that it can serve as the new, strong foundation of knowledge engineering. In the conventional approach to theory of knowledge, to give the operational semantics of knowledge representation has been regarded as of major importance and the analysis of contents of knowledge has been considered to be subordinate to it. To solidify the foundation of knowledge engineering, however, the many researchers, espcially in the field of knowledge sharing and reuse, has strongly felt necessity of the change of such a way of thinking. The key to the problem is to understand the essential interaction between "form" and "contents" on equal importance. This implies that deep understanding of "content" will give us new insight into design of knowledge representation. The notion of "ontology" can be key to this issue. We have investigated the property of problem solving knowledge and tried to design its ontology, that is, task ontology. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the basic issues concerning the task ontology. It provides three major advantages as follows. (A) It provides human-friendly primitives in terms of which users can easily describe their own problem solving process. (B) The systems with task ontology can simulate the problem solving process at an abstract level in terms of conceptual level primitives. (C) It provides ontology author with an environment for building task ontology so that he/she can build a consistent and useful ontology.
來村 徳信 笠井 俊信 吉川 真理子 高橋 賢 古崎 晃司 溝口 理一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.17, no.1, pp.73-84, 2002 (Released:2002-04-04)
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In conceptual design, a designer decomposes a required function into sub-functions, so-called functional decomposition, using a kind of functional knowledge representing achievement relations among functions. Aimin at systematization of such functional knowledge, we proposed ontologies that guide conceptualization of artifacts from the functional point of view. This paper discusses its systematic description based on the functional ontologies. Firstly, we propose a new concept named “way of achievement” as a key concept for its systematization. Categorization of typical representations of the knowledge and organization as is-a hierarchies are also discussed. Such concept, categorization, and functional ontologies make the functional knowledge consistent and applicable to other domains. Next, the implementation of the functional ontologies and their utility on description of the knowledge are shown. Lastly, we discuss development of a knowledge-based system to help human designers redesign an existin artifact. The ontology of functional concepts and the systematic description of functional knowledge enable the supporting system to show designers a wide range of alternative ways and then to facilitate innovative redesign.
西村 悟史 大谷 博 畠山 直人 長谷部 希恵子 福田 賢一郎 來村 徳信 溝口 理一郎 西村 拓一
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.4, pp.C-G95_1-15, 2017-07-01 (Released:2017-07-03)

The amount of costs for long-term care is increasing because of aging society. It is important to improve quality of care process. We focus on sharing the knowledge of care process in care facility to achieve the goal. There are some issues to share the knowledge. (1) The knowledge is implicit on the care workers. (2) It is difficult to unite the knowledge as world standard because of its variety. We proposed the methodology of "knowledge explication" to overcome these issues. The methodology is (1) to explicate the knowledge of care process by employees in care facility. (2) It is performed on each care facility so they can explicate the facility-specific knowledge of care process. We applied the methodology to two care facilities and evaluate it. The explicated knowledge is 1.8 times more than the knowledge from textbook. We also confirmed the efficiency of the methodology by questionnaire to the participants.
古崎 晃司 來村 徳信 溝口 理一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
pp.LOD-214, (Released:2015-12-25)

Biomimetics contributes to innovative engineering by imitating the models, systems, and elements of nature. Well-known examples of biomimetics include paint and cleaning technologies that imitate the water repellency of the lotus, adhesive tapes that imitate the adhesiveness of gecko feet, and high-speed swimsuits that imitate the low resistance of a shark’s skin. These results integrate studies on the biological mechanisms of organisms with engineering technologies to develop new materials. Facilitating such biomimetics-based innovations requires integrating knowledge, data, requirements, and viewpoints across different domains. Researchers and engineers need to develop a biomimetics database to assist them in achieving this goal. Because ontologies clarify concepts that appear in target domains, we assume that it is important to develop a biomimetics ontology that contributes to improvement of knowledge interoperability between the biology and engineering domains. Furthermore, linked data technologies are very effective for integrating a database with existing biological diversity databases. On the basis of these observations, we developed a biomimetics ontology and keyword exploration tool based on linked data techniques. The tool allows users to find important keywords for retrieving meaningful knowledge from various biomimetics databases. Such a technique could support idea creation by users based on a biomimetics ontology. This paper describes a prototype of our proposed biomimetics ontology and keyword exploration tool.