蔡 勝年 七原 正輝 水野 勉 山上 廣 山田 一
日本応用磁気学会誌 (ISSN:18804004)
vol.22, no.4, pp.937-940, 1998-04-15
6 1 1

This paper describes how the launch velocity of a solenoid-type electromagnetic launcher (EML) was simulated by combining the finite element method (FEM) with electric circuit and equation of motion, in order to improve the launch velocity of a projectile. The system constitution, the specifications of the projectile and solenoid coil, and the magnetizing curve of the carbon steel projectile are introduced, and methods for calculating the exciting current and launch velocity are derived. The inductance and the exciting current of the solenoid coil, the thrust, and the launch velocity of the projectile are simulatied. The simulation results for the dependence of the exciting current and the launch velocity on the time, and dependence of the launch velocity on the settled position are shown, and compared with the measured values. The calculation errors of the exciting current and the launch velocity with respect to the measured results are 3%, and 5%, respectively. These results confirm the feasibility of the simulation method.


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