高橋 和雄 阿比留 勝吾 三重野 恵介
自然災害科学 (ISSN:02866021)
vol.15, no.2, pp.125-138, 1996-07-30

The objective of this paper is to investigate revision of local plan for disaster preventions and countermeasures of the voluntary organizations for disaster prevention after the threatening disaster in Kagoshima due to heavy rainfall on August 6,1993. Revision of local plan for disaster prevention in Kogoshima city was investigated by interviews. A questionaire survey was undertaken to study the behaviors and consciousness of the presidents of the voluntary organizations for disaster prevention in Kagoshima city. The systems for dissemination of information and the evacuation of inhabitants, and countermeasures of the voluntary organizations for disaster prevention are discussed. The new systems for dissemination of information and the evacuation of inhabitants are rated high by the voluntary organizations for disaster prevention. However, activities of voluntary organizations for disaster prevention have somewhat improved. Supports of administration are neceesary to activate their activities.


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こんな論文どうですか? 平成5年8月豪雨による鹿児島水害後の地域防災計画の見直しと自主防災組織の対応に関する調査(高橋 和雄ほか),1996 http://t.co/EqHGyGR4
こんな論文どうですか? 平成5年8月豪雨による鹿児島水害後の地域防災計画の見直しと自主防災組織の対応に関する調査(高橋和雄ほか),1996 http://id.CiNii.jp/MVPTL

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