水越 伸
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.48, pp.35-53, 286, 1996-01-31

This paper examines the relationship between so-called new Media Activists and the established mass media in Japanese journalism. I focus on two new media fields in Japan, video journalism and internet journalism which appeared in the early 1990's. I maintain that primarily these new Media Activists and mass media organizations can create balance, making diverse layers in the media sphere. In Japan, however, a different dynamic movement occurred, which was a confrontation between the mass media and Media Activists, with the former even trying to eliminate the latter from the media sphere. I extract some important problematic issues from these relationships and analyze the potentialities and limitations of new Media Activists.


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こんな論文どうですか? 新しいメディア表現者の登場と日本のジャーナリズム(<特集><変容>の時代とジャーナリズム意識)(水越 伸),1996 http://t.co/pq17uZEQWJ

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